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Family, On our way to Ethiopia! - BYRON CONNER. Between 1984 to 1987, me and my family served as missionaries to Ethiopia in East Africa.

Family, On our way to Ethiopia! - BYRON CONNER

My wife stayed busy taking care of two children, and attending to our home. I spent most of my time travelling around the country overseeing and supervising the work in 1 General Hospital and 12 mostly rural clinics. I id spend 6-months total of one of the rural clinics. I also was ill for 1 month with illness due to hepatitis from which I recovered completely. While I was in Ethiopia, I also was responsible to make sure the hospital, and the 12 clinics had adequate medical supplies.

I was finally able to return to be with my wife and children. Finally, the time arrived for our vacation which we referred to as “furiough”. Finally, our three-year time of duty came to an end. Facts about Alzheimer's Disease That You Should Know. Many people get a glimpse of Alzheimer’s disease from watching movies, such as The Notebook (based on the novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks) or reading books such as Going Going: The Abduction Of A Mind by Jack Weaver, a memoir that narrates the author and his wife’s 15-year journey of Alzheimer’s disease.

Facts about Alzheimer's Disease That You Should Know

There is still so much to know about Alzheimer’s disease, which is a degenerative disease of the brain. Do you know that this disease causes the disorder called dementia? Dementia, according to MedlinePlus, is the gradual loss of memory, language, thinking, and social abilities. This disorder usually appears in people over the age of 65, but it can also affect people in their 30s, 40s, or 50s. Friends: Here…There…Everywhere!!!

Don’t Let Disability Hold You Back

Self-Publishing Company. Lizzie and Leopold - Patricia A. Gummeson. Book - Patchwork by Carol Wilson-Mack. What to Expect in Oregon - Penny Higgins. If you are sick, overworked, tired, depressed, bored, or just plain unhappy, the best thing you could do for yourself would be to take a vacation!

What to Expect in Oregon - Penny Higgins

So grab your best friend and head out to the greatest state in the union, Oregon! Oregon is located on the west coast. The West Coast, from Washington down through California is beautiful, and tucked in between Washington and California is Oregon, the most beautiful state, and in my opinion, something extra special! The state of Oregon has many things not found in most of the other states, but it also has interesting things found in some other states.The Oregon Caves is a marble cavern full of stalagmites and stalactites and wonders of the underworld! (It may not be as big or grand as the Mammoth Caverns, but still. beautiful and breathtaking!) The Best Tips for Writing a Unique Mystery Story - Patricia Sims. Mystery is a popular genre in literature.

The Best Tips for Writing a Unique Mystery Story - Patricia Sims

Mystery stories have always been in demand among both children and adults. Readers love to read mystery stories, and authors love to write them. There are already hundreds and thousands of mystery stories out there. Significant Issues Tackled by Children’s Books — ALANA KONIECZKA. The biggest misconception when it comes to children’s books is that they only tell tales that will warm the readers’ hearts.

Significant Issues Tackled by Children’s Books — ALANA KONIECZKA

Little did everyone know that they made it to the list of most effective genres that teach people about the different issues in the surroundings. In fact, they are the best types of books to read when one likes to be aware of what the world is made of because they tell stories in a simple yet fun way. It seems like readers are only reading a cute story for kids; but, the more they dig the book, the more they realize how deep the theme of it is. Children’s books are truly impactful and influential to their target reader base, and even beyond it. The way it presented some serious issue that are still taking place today perhaps added to the beauty of the works. Discrimination Discrimination is defined as the unjust and improper treatment of individuals and/or groups based on particular factors, such as gender, religious belief, race, and more.

Bullying. Positive Affirmations For Dealing With Alzheimer's. Alzheimer’s is a frightening and daunting disease.

Positive Affirmations For Dealing With Alzheimer's

It isn’t pretty for the one diagnosed with it and the family who have to accept this. This progressive disease gets worse over time and there is no known cure for it.

How to Unlock A Child’s Creativity

Benefits of Reading Historical Fiction. Ways You Benefit From Writing Poetry - Raymond Quattlebaum. Have you ever read a poetry book and wondered what the author felt during the time they wrote it?

Ways You Benefit From Writing Poetry - Raymond Quattlebaum

Poetry is something very deep and personal. You can never avoid thinking about what the writer was feeling or what they were going through. It is so deep that you can get lost with the words that come with it. The power of poetry hits differently, especially to those to appreciate beautiful words. If you love to play with words and express your feelings through writing, you should think about writing poetry. Poetry is something that you can learn as you go through the process. Reasons to Write a Children's Book - Patricia A. Gummeson. A bountiful number of books are ostensibly written in children’s literature in these times.

Reasons to Write a Children's Book - Patricia A. Gummeson

Thousands and thousands of children’s books are published all over the world. This is the most stable genre for authors to write. This is a genre that encompasses easy-to-read stories for a varying age range. Children, teens, and adults alike enjoy a good children’s book.

Ways to Make the Most Out of Your Travel Break

The Importance of Good Illustrations in Children’s Books. Life Lessons You Can Learn From Children’s Books. Great Ways Books Teach Essential Life Learnings to Children. What can Children Get from Reading Books? The Purpose of Nourishing Your Spiritual Life. ReadersMagnet Review. The Art of Storytelling: Turning Experiences into Remarkable Tales.

Training and Seminar. Effective Steps on Writing Your First Novel. 5 Reasons Why You Should Read Mystery Books. READERSMAGNET AUTHORS’ LOUNGE. Boosting Up Your Self-Motivation. Why We Should Write About Bullying. The Purpose of Nourishing Your Spiritual Life. LA TIMES FESTIVAL OF BOOKS.

The Importance of Writing About Mental Health in Books

4 Common but Powerful Themes in Stories for Kids. Top 5 Mystery & Suspense Authors. HOW READING POETRY BENEFITS YOUR SOUL. The Importance of Having Motivation in Life. Nurturing Friendships. Jungle Rules Trilogy by Paul Shemella. Sometimes, You Have To Write It Wrong To Write It Right. The Second Commandment. Why We Need to Study the Bible Thoroughly. The Healing Power of Poetry - Tim Segrest. The Importance of Writing About Mental Health in Books.

Why The Need for More Christian Books - Marilyn Taplin. Faith as a Powerful Weapon of War. Faith is an essential part of life.

Faith as a Powerful Weapon of War

When a person has faith, he or she can get through any obstacle that comes his or her way. Especially during difficult times, faith is something that a person should possess. The power of faith is so enormous that it can even bring victory to someone in war. It is much more powerful than any military weapon. The experiences and stories of Robert E. Reasons to Thank Caregivers - Eleanor Gaccetta. The caregiving practice is a humbling and rewarding career.

Reasons to Thank Caregivers - Eleanor Gaccetta

Those who work as caregivers are the most selfless, generous, and committed people on Earth. Anyone can be a caregiver. A caregiver is someone patient, compassionate, trustworthy, and empathetic. The Must-Haves of a Children’s Book - Janet Councilman. Many people think that writing a children’s book is an easy process. Your target audience is going to be just a bunch of naïve and unsophisticated young readers, so it should be easy, right? Wrong! Benefits of Joining Book Fairs. What opportunities do self-published authors have to grow their author brand and platform? One such opportunity is attending a national and/or international book (trade) fair. If you’re a new author or self-published, you might be wondering how to attract more readers, sell more books, and make a difference with your work.

Joining a reputable book fair or book festival might be the next push you’re looking for in your writing and publishing journey. What are book fairs? The Soul. The Ultimate Reasons Why Traveling is a Must - Mike Honeycutt. Many people love traveling. It is a crucial part of life. Whether you are always idle or a busy bee, you need to consider traveling at least once a year. There are plenty of benefits that come with traveling. Different people travel for different reasons. Some travel to have fun, while others do it to fulfill their passion. Traveling enhances your personal growth. Best Adventure Activities to Try in Madagascar - Nicki Geigert. What Makes a Book Life-Changing? - Neil Griffen. Books are important in various ways. For one, they are an effective tool for learning.

How to Write an Interesting Book about Food? - Anita Legsdin.

Weaponizing Hate

A Law From Eden - Marilyn Taplin. Strong Boy, Weak Man by Earl Robert Key.