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ASOS Under Fire For Selling 'Slave' T-Shirt Modelled By A Black Man. Fashion giant ASOS faced an online backlash after customers spotted a T-shirt worn by a black male model - printed with the word ‘SLAVE’.

ASOS Under Fire For Selling 'Slave' T-Shirt Modelled By A Black Man

The site swiftly removed the shirt with racist connotations from its Marketplace site - a venue for buying and selling goods from independent labels -after a user spotted it and posted the image on social media. Female Fashion Designers Are Still in the Minority. LONDON, United Kingdom — Gender parity is an elusive goal for many industries and fashion is no exception, with men disproportionately dominating top roles across all areas of business.

Female Fashion Designers Are Still in the Minority

It is a particularly ironic state of affairs for an industry where women make up the overwhelming majority of the consumer base. Fashion Institute of Technology. Gallery FIT July 7 – November 7, 2009Online Exhibition Fashion & Politics was a chronological exploration of over 200 years of politics as expressed through fashion.

Fashion Institute of Technology

The term politics not only refers to the maneuverings of government, but also encompasses cultural change, sexual codes, and social progress. Throughout history, fashion has been a medium for conveying political ideologies and related social values. Fashion has addressed such important themes as nationalism, feminism and ethnic identity, as well as significant events and subcultural movements. Vogue’s Yeezy Season 4 review begs the question: Do fashion and politics mix? Fashion reviews can be mean, mundane and sometimes even glowing — but rarely are they vehicles to make political statements.

Vogue’s Yeezy Season 4 review begs the question: Do fashion and politics mix?

In its review of Kanye West’s Yeezy Season 4 show, which took place Wednesday afternoon at Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island, went there when it said Donald Trump is a racist. Models call out ‘illegal’ and ‘crooked’ Donald Trump. When it comes to immigration, Donald Trump’s stance has always been pretty clear.

Models call out ‘illegal’ and ‘crooked’ Donald Trump

The Republican nominee has been belching out rank, xenophobic rhetoric for the last 15 months: promising voters that he’ll ban all Muslims, deport en masse, and build giant border walls around the country. Unfortunately, he may not have personally been playing by the same rules. In a new report on Mother Jones, three former employees of Trump’s modelling agency have now stepped forward to accuse the billionaire businessman of running a “crooked” and “illegal” company. According to them, he had been skirting US regulations to bring in foreign models; forcing them to work illegally and in “sweatshop”-like conditions.

Founded by the mogul in 1999, Trump Model Management was reportedly keeping all its foreign employees on tourist visas, and encouraging them to lie to immigration services. “We’re hoarded into these small spaces,” a former model under the pseudonym ‘Kate’ said. Should Companies Take a Political Stand? L: Apple employees attend a 2015 Pride march in San Francisco, R: Starbucks flies the Pride flag to celebrate the Supreme Court's ruling on marriage equality | Source: Apple/Starbucks NEW YORK, United States — A couple of months ago, newly installed Land’s End chief executive Federica Marchionni came under fire.

Should Companies Take a Political Stand?

The reason: Marchionni — a former executive at Dolce & Gabbana, hired to give the khaki-peddling American brand some edge — featured an interview between herself and feminist icon Gloria Steinem in the company’s spring catalogue. Fashion Show Review, Ready-to-Wear - Autumn 2016. MILAN, Italy — For all that it was a triumphant return to form, Miuccia Prada's menswear show in January turned out to be a mere appetiser for the deeper, richer women's collection she showed tonight.‎

Fashion Show Review, Ready-to-Wear - Autumn 2016

That was partly a reflection of her own feelings: "A woman is so much more complex than a man. Donald Trump for President: America, Is This a Joke? LONDON, United Kingdom — In the fashion month gone by, apart from all the debate around consumer-facing fashion shows, one of the most discussed topics — particularly between American fashion insiders and their international counterparts — was the unfathomable rise of Donald Trump, candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States.

Donald Trump for President: America, Is This a Joke?

"What is going in America with Donald Trump? " went the typical refrain. In response, most American editors and buyers were just as bewildered by what is happening in America as the rest of us. France Meets Muslim Leaders, Experts After Burkini Row. PARIS, France — France's interior minister convened Muslim leaders Monday to discuss a French-style Islam that honours the nation's secular values, a task given new urgency after deep divisions surfaced over burkini bans in 30 French beach towns and after terror attacks that also stigmatised Muslims.

France Meets Muslim Leaders, Experts After Burkini Row

A high court struck down the burkini bans Friday, but the high-pitched debate that quickly seeped into France's political sphere revealed raw tensions between the secular establishment and sectors of France's estimated 5 million Muslims, the largest Muslim population in Western Europe. Black Panthers: Their Influence on Fashion. From Kendrick Lamar’s performance at the 58th Grammys to Beyoncé’s “Formation” video, we’ve seen a resurgence of the ideas championed by the Black Panther Party in popular culture.

Black Panthers: Their Influence on Fashion

The timing isn’t coincidental, given the rise of what many have described as a second wave of activism surrounding the disparities faced by communities of color in the United States. Now, on the heels of Beyoncé invoking the Panthers’ legacy at Super Bowl 50, comes Stanley Nelson Jr’s documentary: Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution, currently streaming on PBS. Nelson showcases the pivotal role the Panthers played in leading many revolutionary social movements of the ’60s and ’70s.

Not only did they influence the rise of anti-capitalist and anti-war movements, they also called for social awareness and gender equality, among other things.