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Ubuntu Security Essentials | techdev Solutions. At techdev, all of our infrastructure is virtualized and hosted by a cloud vendor. We have machines to host our company tools such as JIRA and Confluence and then there are machines we use to host our own applications such as trackr. For trackr there are actually two environments, one to run the tests against and, of course, the production environment. These days you can get a new virtual machine (VM) provisioned within a matter of minutes. Once a machine is up and running you can access it via the Internet and tailor it to your specific needs. However, usually these machines come with a fresh installation of Ubuntu server (or another Linux, but that’s what we are using) with a default set of security measures.

But since now everyone can potentially access your VM you might want to ensure that it is sufficiently secured. So this is what this article is about. Introduction For this article I’ve made some initial assumptions so you might not be able to apply everything one-to-one. Heads up! Easily Install Android Studio Via PPA In Ubuntu And Linux Mint. It's F.O.S.S. — Open Source News, Tips And Tutorials. Things To Do After Installing Ubuntu 13.10. How To Install Themes In Ubuntu 14.04 & 13.10.

Things to do after a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). | Tutorials. Things to do after a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr). Update the Ubuntu Installation. You can update the existing installation by issuing the following command. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade Install Sublime Text. We all need a very good Code Editor with and there are lot of them, One of them is Sublime Text which is a great editior just for the fact that it has something for Experiencied Developer/Hacker, or people who have just started Developement. SubLimeText 2 To install Sublime Text 2 in Ubuntu 14.04 you can follow the below commands. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sublime-text You can see the more detailed installation instruction here.

Install Package Control for SublimeText There are lot of Packages which provides extension to the functionality to Sublime Text. Install the Package Control by following the instruction provided at WBond In Short you have to follow these steps. Install Java 7 git vim.
