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Miscellaneous_2005. Here are some varied circuits which were part of my spring and summer 2005 experimentation.


They are meant to be idea circuits for spawning your own work. Many need work to improve performance. For my radio projects, I prefer an AC output wall wart transformer so that better DC filtering can be used. This is a bare-bones 12 volt, low current DC supply for a small receiver. How-To: Make an RGB combination door lock (Part 1) Electronic Projects For Beginners. I made a guide for those people who are still starting with their electronics hobby.

Electronic Projects For Beginners

I started connecting wires, batteries, bulbs, buzzers and motors when I was 4 years old . Now that I am 13 years old, I now have a good amount of experience to build complicated electronic circuits. Learning electronics isn't that easy but if you put love and passion to it, I assure you that you would enjoy building your own experiments. Electronic Circuit Schematic Archive. Simple - analog. 10 Watt Amplifier Electronic Circuit Schematic. AC Powered LED Electronic Circuit Schematic. Two Transistor LED Flasher Electronic Circuit Schematic. 28 LED Clock Electronic Circuit Schematic. Nintendo (NES) Electronic Circuit Schematic. Nintendo (NES) Schematic Schematics submitted by Cyberspike Return to the Schematic Archive.

Nintendo (NES) Electronic Circuit Schematic