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Storytime katie – one librarian's journey into storytimeland. Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension. Blog | Donalyn Miller. This week, Scholastic announced its new global reading initiative, Open a World of Possible. Through education programs, print and online resources, and literacy events, the Open a World of Possible campaign promotes the importance of independent reading for children and provides tools to support and sustain independent reading initiatives in our home and school communities. On the Open a World of Possible website, you can: Watch the inspiring literacy campaign video written by National Student Poet, Sojourner Ahebee, and narrated by actress and mom, Sarah Jessica Parker and videos from kids, parents, and teachers celebrating their love for reading. Register for the November 6th Bigger Than Words webcast with Usher. Access Scholastic’s comprehensive reading research summary, The Joy and Power of Reading, and practical, research-based resources for parents and teachers.

Reading Sent Me to the Principal’s Office The only time I went to the principal’s office was because of reading. 100 Scope Notes — @100scopenotes Children's Literature News and Reviews. SHARPREAD | Mr. Colby Sharp. Watch. Connect. Read. Nerdy Book Club | A community of readers. Read, Write, Reflect. A Year of Reading. Great Kid Books. Book Jeannie. Daydream Reader | Reading is dreaming while you are awake.