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Git. One of the things I didn't touch on at all in the book is the git rerere functionality.


This also came up recently during one of my trainings, and I realize that a lot of people probably could use this, so I wanted to let you all now about it. The git rerere functionality is a bit of a hidden feature (Git actually has a lot of cool hidden features, if you haven't figured that out yet). The name stands for "reuse recorded resolution" and as the name implies, it allows you to ask Git to remember how you've resolved a hunk conflict so that the next time it sees the same conflict, Git can automatically resolve it for you. There are a number of scenarios in which this functionality might be really handy. One of the examples that is mentioned in the documentation is if you want to make sure a long lived topic branch will merge cleanly but don't want to have a bunch of intermediate merge commits.

First-Time Git Setup. Now that you have Git on your system, you’ll want to do a few things to customize your Git environment. You should have to do these things only once; they’ll stick around between upgrades. You can also change them at any time by running through the commands again. Git comes with a tool called git config that lets you get and set configuration variables that control all aspects of how Git looks and operates. These variables can be stored in three different places: Tortoisegit - Where are git database files stored on windows. Version control - What is the benefit of git's two-stage commit process (staging)? Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git. Git. O'Reilly Webcast: Git in One Hour.

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Other people's git trees. Git howto. Git documentation.