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Manejador de Versiones

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VisualSVN - Subversion-based version control for Windows. Free software downloads. Instalacion de Subversion y tortoise. Video2 Instalacion Subversion Netbeans y Maven. Configurar subversion. Subversion Server on Windows in 8 Minutes. Version Control Basics. If the primary mission of a version control system is to track the various versions of digital information over time, a very close secondary mission in any modern version control system is to enable collaborative editing and sharing of that data.

Version Control Basics

But different systems use different strategies to achieve this. It's important to understand these different strategies, for a couple of reasons. First, it will help you compare and contrast existing version control systems, in case you encounter other systems similar to Subversion. Beyond that, it will also help you make more effective use of Subversion, since Subversion itself supports a couple of different ways of working. The problem of file sharing. Free software downloads.

Instalando un Control de Versiones SVN.