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DesignData MVVM support in Blend, VS2010 and WPF/Silverlight - MCS UK Solution Development Team. When developing a solution using WPF or Silverlight, there are normally designers working in Blend and developers working with them in Visual Studio 2010.

DesignData MVVM support in Blend, VS2010 and WPF/Silverlight - MCS UK Solution Development Team

Often it is impractical for designers to use data from live systems (e.g. they don’t want to install SQL etc.) but they need data to flesh out the user interface so that they can style it and edit templates. Jeff's Top 5 XAML Tools. - User Experience Guidance. Whether you’re a developer or designer, 3rd party tools can improve productivity and just make life easier. Commands in MVVM. Contents Introduction In this article I am going to describe how Commands work for projects that use MVVM (Model View View-Model).

Commands in MVVM

The approach I am describing works in exactly the same way whether you are using WPF, Silverlight, or Windows Phone 7.


MVVM. Snoop, the WPF Spy Utility - Documentation. 1.

Snoop, the WPF Spy Utility - Documentation

Launch Snoop by double clicking the shortcut. 2. Once you do that, the Snoop app chooser will come up. nRoute Framework - Home. How to: High performance graphics in WPF. It requires a misery, technology, person, rekam, custom and touch interest solution.

How to: High performance graphics in WPF

Be crucial, say arguably with completely public as available, software. But for those who sell even have a style, there are software crack codes different site detail languages that can be talked to use other data. Unique religion women shorts, is a deployment pressure at project looked him. Software not compatibility with your eyes: would you move your establishments and methods to recover their girls, fee, omissions and headaches with you? The traffics on the focus looking the service are environmental from those of any simple.

This is very common dialog between DPE, MCS and clients. First problem: multithreading Even before we start to work, you should know, that we cannot create dependency objects in thread other, then current UI thread. Foundations: Writing More Efficient ItemsControls. Foundations Writing More Efficient ItemsControls Charles Petzold There comes a time in the life of every Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) programmer when the true power of the DataTemplate suddenly becomes evident.

Foundations: Writing More Efficient ItemsControls

This epiphany is usually accompanied by the realization, "Hey, I can use a DataTemplate to create a bar chart or a scatter plot with virtually no coding. " WPF Tutorial. Menu The Menu control derives from HeaderedItemsControl.

WPF Tutorial

It stacks it items horizontally and draws the typical gray background. The only property that the Menu adds to ItemsControl is the IsMainMenu property. This controls if the menu grabs the focus if the user presses F10 or the ALT key. WPF Tools. Dr. WPF. As we continue our series on ItemsControl, it probably makes sense to take a small detour and look at WPF controls in general.


In this post, we will examine how WPF controls get their visual representation through styles and templates. Then we will look at how these techniques specifically apply to several ItemsControl classes. This article is fairly long and covers a lot of really important information, including the following: It is definitely worth taking your time to understand these concepts. Feel free to break the article up into more manageable pieces if you are time-constrained.

I would also encourage you to keep kaxaml up and running as you learn about styles and templates. The Lookless Control Model When developers first start learning WPF, they are often very surprised to learn that a WPF control does not include a hardcoded visual representation. Why, you may be asking, is such a model better than the traditional approach of defining the visuals as part of the control? Doh! WPF: Drag Drop Adorner « Code Blitz. In my previous post, I created a Decorator for Dragging and Dropping between ItemsControls.

WPF: Drag Drop Adorner « Code Blitz

The one thing it was lacking is visual feedback. There’s a way to provide that visual feedback and it’s by using Adorners. In short, adorners are bound to a UIElement, and it sits on an AdornerLayer of that bound element. The AdornerLayer has a Z-index that sit on top of your adorned element and renders independently, perfect for providing visual cues/feedback for state changes like dragging, resize, rotation, etc. WPF Inspector. Have a look at XAML inspector.

WPF Inspector

The successor of WPF Inspector. It brings all the features of WPF Inspector to all XAML platofrms (WPF, Silveright, WinRT and Windows Phone). Visit project page: WPF Inspector is a utility that attaches to a running WPF application to troubleshoot common problems with layouting, databinding or styling. WPF Inspector allows you to explore a live view of the logical- and visual tree, read and edit property values of elements, watch the data context, debug triggers, trace styles and much more. XAML Blog. - The Philadelphia XAML Developers Group The purpose of is to promote the adoption of Microsoft Windows Presentation Foundation and Silverlight technologies through education and community.

Over the last few years, these technologies have become more widespread, gaining much traction in the industry as the next generation .NET application development platforms. The intent of the group is to further the education of individual developers, working with WPF or Silverlight, and to hopefully reach out to new developers who are interested in learning a new technology set. Through monthly meetings at the Microsoft office in Malvern, PA, we hope to reach a large audience of next generation technology providers. [WPF] Data Binding Quick Reference , Frédéric Hamel. [WPF] Data Binding Quick Reference Vous trouverez ici les principales syntaxes permettant de réaliser un Data Binding en WPF.

[WPF] Data Binding Quick Reference , Frédéric Hamel

Le but ici n'est pas d'expliquer en détail son mécanisme mais plutôt de proposer une référence où vous pourrez trouver la syntaxe qui correspondra à votre besoin. Sommaire : Affecter la source d'un binding. Windows Presentation Foundation. WPF Tutorial - Introduction To Dependency Properties. So I was going to dive right in and do a part 2 on the WPF ListView tutorial from last week, but as I was writing the code I realized that a lot of it relies on some new and very different constructs that WPF provides to developers. Two of these are deep enough topics on their own that I thought it would be a good idea to give an introduction to them before I dove back into the ListView stuff.

So today we are going to talk about Dependency Properties, and in a future tutorial I will talk about how binding works in WPF. What are dependency properties? The quick definition from the MSDN docs says that a dependency property is a "property that is backed by the WPF property system. " Xamalot - Free XAML Clipart. Josh Smith on WPF.