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DeviantART. ByKato on deviantART. I love my Beetle on Web Design Served. Web Design Served :: Gallery. Tehnica servetelului | Profiart – Art & Hobby Center. Pentru acest tutorial am ales decorarea unui cufar mini din lemn prin tehnica servetelului, peste care se va aplica un lac de crapare si o patina de invechire, ce va conferi lucrarii un aspect de invechire. Aceasta tehnica de crapare este la indemana oricui fiind foarte usor de utilizat. Pentru ce ne-am propus avem nevoie de: o pensula lata, de preferat sintetica,grund acrilic, servetelul cu modelul dorit, adezivul/ lac decupaj, lacul de crapare, patina de invechire, terebentina, contur pentru decorarea finala in relief, lacul final de protectie si bineinteles suportul ales.

Materialele necesare: Prima operatiune este grunduirea suportului cu grund acrilic pentru ca intotdeauna acesta este bine sa fie alb. Dupa ce grundul s-a uscat, pregatim servetelul pentru aplicare. Se recomanda ca servetelul sa fie taiat ceva mai mare decat suprafata pe care urmeaza a fi lipit, surplusul indepartandu-se dupa lipire. Dupa aplicarea adezivului/lac de decupaj, vom aseza cu grija servetelul. Atentie!

ProfiArt. Cinemagraph. So today we’re going to showcase animated GIF artwork but there are not the regular GIF we use on websites. These are beautiful twist from somehow nasty animated Gif artworks with the use of high quality photos from modern photography, and the pioneer, Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg called it – Cinemagraph . Like what you’ve seen in most GIF animation, cinemagraph is a product of still photo with minor elements moving on. It’s nothing impressive on technique but what makes cinemagraph unique is it brings back certain part of the photo to life, thus making the entire photo more realistic, attractive and sometimes even thought-provoking, just like the magical newspaper from the movie Harry Potter.

Dozens of photographers have found this technique interesting, so do we. 28 Inspiring Cinemagraphs References Cinemagraphs in this showcase are referred from these following awesome websites: From Me To You Superwhite David Tribby Photography Editor Simon Kirk7784 Kyla Hernandez Product26 Teman | Design. Welcome to Flickr - Photo Sharing. Chaotic Images. Io9. We come from the future. 30+ Nicest Photoshop Photo Tutorials, Part II. WACOM Intuos4 L PTK-840-EN Tableta grafica. Clipart Picture of a Music Note. Photography Quotes, Sayings for Photographers. Related Quotes Nature Art Imagination Beauty Scrapbooking Thank you to Hákon Ágústsson of Photo Quotes for sharing some of these great quotations from his site! Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art.

~Ambrose Bierce You don't take a photograph. You ask, quietly, to borrow it. Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter. No place is boring, if you've had a good night's sleep and have a pocket full of unexposed film. It's weird that photographers spend years or even a whole lifetime, trying to capture moments that added together, don't even amount to a couple of hours. When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see. A photograph is usually looked at — seldom looked into. The camera can photograph thought. Nüvist Architecture & Design.