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LexEv XMLReader - Convert lexical events such as entity references and cdata sections into markup. Options You can control the following features of LexEv: enable/disable the marking up of entity references enable/disable the marking up of character references enable/disable the marking up of CDATA sections set the default namespace for the CDATA section markup enable/disable the reporting of the DOCTYPE enable/disable the marking up of comments You can set these through the API (if you are including LexEv in an application), or from the command line using the following system properties: com.andrewjwelch.lexev.inline-entities com.andrewjwelch.lexev.character-references com.andrewjwelch.lexev.cdata com.andrewjwelch.doctype.cdataNamespace com.andrewjwelch.lexev.doctype com.andrewjwelch.lexev.comments For example to set a system property from the command line you use: -Dcom.andrewjwelch.lexev.comments=false All of these are enable by default.

CDATA Sections. Jeni Tennison >I have this Javascript in my xsl : > ><script language="JavaScript"> ><! [CDATA[function image(){ >' NOT YET DEFINED '); >} >]]> ></script> > >I would like to know how to make the method "WINDOW.OPEN" work with a >variable that would get the information which is stored in the IMAGE >element of my xml, so putting the image in the opening window.

I will have >340 different xml pages, one for each expression of the encyclopedia. From what I gather, you are generating this script element as part of the output HTML from a stylesheet. Just as with any other output that you generate within an XSL page, you can insert values of particular XPath expressions using xsl:value-of. So if you want the value of the @href attribute of the IMAGE element, you can use: I'm sure you're aware of this, so I guess that the problem you're having is inserting this into the javascript. <script language="JavaScript"> function image() {' NOT YET DEFINED '); } </script> <! Nux - Overview. Java - XPath Tutorial. How to get the ampersand output as single char - Xslt. XSL Identity Transforms. On this site, XSL means XSLT. Don’t be alarmed. Many developers have a hard time getting started with XSL. One difficulty lies in the fact that XSL favors a recursive processing style.

XML well-formedness guarantees that an XML document can be represented as a tree structure, and recursion is ideal for working with tree structures. Recursive thinking doesn’t come naturally to most people. You have to work hard to “get it.” XML is an increasingly fundamental part of the technology landscape. Pull vs. In the simplest XSL transforms, a single template like the one below pulls content from an XML document into the transform output: 1 |<NameTag xmlns:xsl=" | xsl:version="1.0 ">3 | My name is: 4 | <b><xsl:value-of select="/Customer/Name" /></b>5 |</NameTag> Any literal content items within the template, like the “My name is:” text on line three and the <b> tags on line four, are simply copied to the output. Processing begins with the Customer template. Top Ten Java and XSLT Tips. My new book, Java and XSLT, examines techniques for using XSLT with Java (of course!).

This article highlights ten tips that I feel are important, although limiting the list to ten items only scratches the surface of what is possible. Most of these tips focus on the combination of Java and XSLT, rather than on specific XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Transformations) techniques. For more detailed information, there are pointers to other valuable resources at the end of this article. The basics of XSL transformations are pretty simple: one or more XSLT stylesheets contain instructions that define how to transform XML data into some other format. You can click here to download a small ZIP file containing this example, along with an XSLT stylesheet and XML data file.

Although this example utilizes StreamSource to read data from files, JAXP can also read XML data from SAX parsers or DOM trees. Cache whenever possible. Use <xsl:import> for i18n. Figure 3. Java and XSLT: Chapter 5: XSLT Processingwith Java. Html class inherit.