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Graph API & IFrame Base Facebook Application Development PHP SDK 3.0. Facebook recently updated their PHP-SDK to version 3.0. This is a major change. So I decided to update some of my facebook related tutorials with updated code. At first I want to tell you that, this post is the updated version of my popular post Graph API & IFrame Base Facebook Application Development . So if you never saw that tutorial I request you to visit that and learn the basic things specially facebook application setup. Also on that post I mentioned some important things regarding iframe, so in this post I’ll not mention them again. So in this updated post we will learn: How to update facebook php sdk 3.0 libraryAuthenticationHow to give extended permissionsHow to call graph apiHow to publish stream using facebook’s latest dialog systemHow to request/invite your friends and track them Before proceeding: 1. First download Facebook’s php sdk and from the /src directory copy facebook.php, base_facebook.php and fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt to your project dir. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Facebook Stack Overflow. How to Style an Application Like Facebook - Devtacular. Hello! Embed your site on Facebook. How to Authenticate Users With Facebook Connect. Java - Facebook offline access step-by-step. Facebook Graph API — getting access tokens « Ben Biddington. As described in the documentation it’s a fairly easy process — and it does not require any signatures. For example, I have an application with an id 116122545078207, and I am using the URL of this blog ( to collect request tokens. [update, 2010-04-29] If ever there was a lesson to read specification and documentation carefully, this is it. Thanks to comments from Joshua Inkenbrandt, Alex and Gene Leybzon I realise why my examples don’t work as expected: I have been trying to use a mixture of web server and client_cred authentication flow.

As Gene rightly points out, I should have been using user_agent. User-Agent Flow (with a web browser) Following the instructions as specified in section, Client Requests Authorization, of the specification, this is a one-step process: Open this in a browser: Note: there are several options for scope. Note: client_secret is not supplied: [3.5.1. You’ll be redirected to: 2. Implementing Facebook Real-time updates API (with CURL examples) « Chao Lam. I recently implemented Facebook’s real-time updates api. Since I couldn’t find a decent tutorial and ran into a few small roadblocks, I thought I’d share what I learnt.

This tutorial basically gets real-time updates of any name changes for users of your FB app. I’m going to use examples with Curl – since that’s like the swiss knife of http programming. Step 1 – get access token Note you can also use your api key (which I accidentally did!) This should return a 40 over character long access token, the initial part looks suspiciously like your app id e.g. Step 2 – Check if access token is working (optional) With access token in hand, you can now query what real-time updates your app is already subscribed to. This result is JSON-encoded. If you somehow goofed up, a JSON-encoded error is returned: Note: api key can’t be used instead of app id here! Step 3 – Submit your update This is the meat of the call. Curl should return “null”. Hope this helps! Like this: Like Loading... PHP SDK & Graph API base Facebook Connect Tutorial.

In this article I’m focusing facebook latest php sdk to integrate facebook features in your site. Some days ago facebook released their new graph api system and updated their core structure. They also officially released php sdk so that you can easily call facebook latest graph api and old legacy api from server side by php. Before proceeding first have a look my previous article specially Facebook connect authentication part. In this post I’ll show How to check valid session of user, if user successfully logged inHow to call graph api How to call legacy apiHow to update status dynamically using graph apiHow to use FQL Query So take a look my demo of this tutorial. Please login by FBConnect and approve all the permission if you’re first time accessing the page.

Follow this post based on PHP SDK 3.0 by Facebook and skip current post. First download the php sdk libary from here . Create a file named fbmain.php. First update $fbconfig array by your application’s id, api key and secret key. 1. Page - Développeurs Facebook. Simple example to post on Facebook wall using PHP, post on facebook wall using PHP | FBSMM: Fine Business Solutions. Mises à jour temps réel - Développeurs Facebook. There are many types of objects in the Facebook Social Graph, such as User objects and Page objects, so whenever you configure a Webhook you must first choose an object type. Since different objects have different fields, you must then subscribe to specific fields for that object type.

Whenever there's a change to the value of any object field you have subscribed to, we'll send you a notification. Notifications are sent to you as HTTP POST requests and contain a JSON payload that describes the change. For example, let's say you set up a User Webhook and subscribed to the Photos field. If one of your app's Users uploads a photo, we'd send you a notification that would look like this: Sample Notification. Applications sur - Développeurs Facebook.