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Erasmus Mundus Programme 2009-2013. News. March 28, 2014 Cities+, the magazine produced by Mundus Urbano students, alumni, staff and friends, is excited to launch a new website! We are presenting all the articles of the last three issues on the new website but we are also keeping the parallel webzine format that makes Cities+ so special. We open the call for submission for the fourth issue, Cities+Language! See here to submit a publication or to get more information. March 17th, 2014 The official application deadline for self-payers is April 15th 2014. Cities+myths is now online February 19, 2014 Cities+, the magazine produced by Mundus Urbano students, alumni, staff and friends, has just released its third edition.

February 3rd-7th, 2014 Planning the outskirts of a cross-border metropolis: Bellegarde-sur-Valserine and the “greater Geneva”. December 10th, 2013 the Mundus Urbano programme has become a member of Habitat-UNI (UN-Habitat's University Network Initiative) on behalf of the faculty of architecture at TU-Darmstadt.


Master GIS. Recorded. Gestion de proyectos ambientales (o no tanto) Online Class by Ambientenet . Practicar idiomas en Internet. Intercom. SETEM t'ofereix aquesta formació sobre el cicle del projecte adaptada a les noves exigències del sector. S'inclou eines i metodologies actualitzades que s’utilitzen en el disseny, formulació, gestió i avaluació de projectes. La formació facilitarà espais de reflexió, aprenentatges i intercanvis d'experiències sobre el cicle del projecte. Aportarem nous elements, visions i metodologies que ens permetin tenir una visió més crítica respecte a la visió de projecte.

Indagarem sobre el tipus de canvi i impacte que pot tenir un projecte depenent de les visions o metodologies utilitzades. Programa del curs: - Identificació i Disseny del Projecte. Carles Soler i Abel Sampériz. . - Línia de Base i Sistema de Monitorització: . - Línies de Cofinançament Internacional: Unió Europea i altres Organismes Internacionals: Bea Sanz Consultora Independent. . - Avaluació de projectes. Departament de Formació de SETEM Catalunya. Link d’inscripció Preu: - Curs complet: 275 euros - Preu per mòdul: 85 euros. Critical Thinking in Global Challenges. About the Course Critical thinking is the ability to gather and assess information and evidence in a balanced and reflective way to reach conclusions that are justified by reasoned argument based on the available evidence.

Critical thinking is a key skill in the information age, valuable in all disciplines and professions. This introductory course will give you the opportunity to better understand what critical thinking is, and to practice and enhance your critical thinking skills. To do so, we will use the context of some important global challenges that affect us all, and to which we have no clear “correct” solutions: for example, the risk and spread of serious infectious diseases in epidemics in modern societies, the implications of increasing human population on global resources, energy, environment and climate, and the challenges of human health and wellbeing in the modern world. Subtitles for all video lectures available: Portuguese (provided by the Lemann Foundation), English. Curso de esperanto en microlecciones. Course Catalog.