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Wikiquote. Grand Challenges for Engineering. NTRG: Networks & Telecommunications Research Group. InstituteOf NetworkCultures Amsterdam. Center for Future Civic Media. Mobile Life VINN Excellence Center. Henriette Cramer. I’m a research scientist at Yahoo! Labs’ Mobile Sensing and User Behavior group in Sunnyvale, California. On a very general level, I’m interested in how people perceive technologies and integrate them into their daily lives. My research revolves around mobile location-based services and people’s perceptions of their surroundings, ‘Research in the Large’: using wide distribution channels and existing services for research purposes, and people’s perceptions of applications and ‘things’ that use data around -or about- them to adapt and personalize themselves. My user studies combine quantitative and qualitative methods to understand both what is happening, and why; grasping the human-scale motivations behind the web-scale data.

Before I joined Yahoo! I have a PhD from the Human-Computer Studies lab at the University of Amsterdam (April 2010). Program committees / juries Conference Organizing Committees Workshop Organizing Committees Guest Editorship Guest editor Int. Awards Like this: Startup @ Berkeley. New Media & Digital Culture at the University of Utrecht. Home students staff linkedin group facebook group NMDC's New Website! Log in Advanced search Click the cover to download, or see here to read more and leave comments We have moved! You have reached the old NMDC website, please visit for our new and improved headquarters. | permalink | Admin | stat: 00355681.

Jonah BruckerCohen. FRONTLINE: digital nation - life on the virtual frontier. Virtual Think Tank. MIT Center for Future Civic Media | Innovating civic media tools.