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AMS-MAA'07 Math'calArt. Cyber Locker - Cyberlocker - cyberbook - elockers - weblockers - Theater ADHOC. Nacht Kunst +Wetenschap. Art Science Research Laboratory - Duchamp. Artsactive. The Arts Catalyst, the science-art agency. Eye ofthe Storm. Leonardo On-Line: Art, Science and Technology. Science Leiden. Boston. is a collection of inquiries, references, opinions and musings of the Nature and Inquiry artists group, based in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston

The group has been meeting to discuss science topics every week for nearly 30 years. Each participant is an artist and each enjoys scientific information as the basis for their artistic work. Donald Burgy, John Holland, Margot Kelley, Amy Robinson, Nita Sturiale and Ron Wallace are members of the Nature and Inquiry artist’s group. See the Members page for biographical information. Donald Burgy is a visual artist and one of the founders of conceptual art in America. Twenty years ago Burgy and Holland began to meet informally to share ideas that intersect nature and art. Several years later Ron Wallace joined the discussions. In 1993, Nita Sturiale joined. More recently Amy Robinson and Margot Kelley joined the group. In contrast, many artists today view science as ‘the enemy.’ Nature and Inquiry, 2006. Divu*ciencia sciencecentre. Divu*Ciencia és una iniciativa empresarial que va néixer amb la intenció de comunicar i expressar la ciència i la innovació usant nous formats, a partir de l’ús de la creativitat com a metodologia i com a motor de reflexió constant en la cerca de noves propostes.

divu*ciencia sciencecentre

Responem aportant valor amb novetat, originalitat, sostenibilitat i personalització, responent a totes les necessitats. * DISSENY GRÀFIC : Identitat corporativa, Suports publicitaris, Disseny multimèdia, Publicacions, Material per fires... * MÀRQUETING CREATIU I ASSESSORAMENT : Estratègies de MKT, e-Màrqueting creatiu, Campanyes publicitàries, Assessorament creatiu... * WEBS : Disseny i desenvolupament web, Plataformes, Espais 2.0, Aplicacions interactives... * AUDIOVISUAL : Guionització, Gravacions, Edició i producció de vídeos, Publicitat i vídeos corporatius... * ESDEVENIMENTS : Jornades, Congressos, Networking, Debats, Taules rodones, Showrooms, Exposicions...

Edinburgh Sci.Festival. UCLA ArtSci Center&Lab. Art of Science Princeton. Wintersymp09 Wisk/Kunst. Bridges: art and math. C Goodman-Strauss (CGoodmanStrauss) Prof. Carlo H. Sequin. Rinus Roelofs - Index. De Versnelling - Home. Phillip Kent - LKL London Knowledge Lab. Maths-Art Seminars - LKL. Phillip Kent. Termes. Bridges Pécs 2010. Journal of Maths+Arts. Bridge - BRIDGES Conference London 2006. A souvenir booklet for the Bridges London 2006 Conference.

Bridge - BRIDGES Conference London 2006

The booklet was edited by Phillip Kent, who can be contacted for any further information. Production and printing of this booklet was made possible by the generous financial support of the Clothworkers' Foundation, London. Design of the booklet was by Richard Reeve Design. Copies of the booklet are available for free in bulk to any mathematics-related organisation that can distribute them to the public. Please ask. To find out more - Introduction To see further images by Bridges artists, the following website records the artworks exhibited by more than 60 artists at the 2006 conference: Selected artworks from past conferences (1998 - 2005) can also be seen at . Many Bridges artists write about their work in the Bridges Conference Proceedings, published each year. For general reading, the following books are suggested as a starting point: Imaginary'08 travelling Mathexhibition. Gallery of Mathematical Art.

AnneBurns mathematics-art-naturefractal. Dimensions, movie promenade math. Een film voor een breed publiek!

Dimensions, movie promenade math.

Een duizelingwekkende reis van twee uur naar de vierde dimensie doorheen negen hoofdstukken. Voor elk hoofdstuk is er uitgebreide achtergrondinformatie te vinden: zie "Meer informatie". Klik op het beeld links om de trailer te zien! (met geluid ). Gratis download en U kan de films online bekijken. U kan de film ook bestellen op DVD. Escher Droste effect - Universiteit Leiden.
