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Twitter. always in touch with your friends. Hyves Spots. Spot Efteling. Efteling stream @elfteling. Efteling gadgets. Efteling foto's. Efteling forum. Poppodium EKKO - Facebook integration. Twitter integration. Banners advertenties uitzetten. Mapping Social Networks In A 3-D Environment. Invisible Cities is an application that visualizes real-time and aggregate data culled from Twitter and Flickr, and maps it in a three-dimensional environment.

It provides an alternate perspective towards the geographical relationships and intensity of social network connectivity within an urban landscape. Real-time updates are shown as nodes which materialize when tweets or images are posted, and aggregate data are displayed through the layout of the terrain. High and low levels of data in the environment are seen as hills and valleys, respectively. Invisible Cities is still undergoing development, but will be available in the near future. Read more about the project here. Here’s a short video that shows the application in action: Invisible Cities from Christian Marc Schmidt on Vimeo. [via Creative Applications]