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Nulaz I Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Nulaz AR Version Finally hits the Appstore. Mobypicture - Share your adventures with your friends realtime. Context is King – Mathys van Abbe. Sorry, content has become Queen. I have stressed this in some Dutch interviews over the last days, but the opening of the doors of content has started and can’t be stopped. 2010 is about context. Everybody needs to open up their silos. We’re working really hard on an even more open Mobypicture. This will help add rich context to your digital footprints. We love Open API’s and just implemented a new one: Today launch our Foursquare integration. How Foursquare describes it themselves: It’s foursquare! But now the most important part: We’ve made it even more simple and fun! How do you checkin with a Moby posting work? 2. Now add: #4s and #[venuename] to your posting (in either the title or description) For example: Why did we add this integration?

By assisting you to checkin at Foursquare we learn a little bit extra about your adventure. Next: Spots from other social networks So what about other social networks with spots? So try it now! Lowlands 2009 - Share your adventures with your friends realtime. Trackr! - Het GPS track location based systeem voor social netwo. Locassa Community sharing and social networking. GeoMeme :: measure and share real-time local twitter trends. Bedo贝多,基于地理位置的移动交友社区. 东城区南锣鼓巷胡同(地安门东大街与鼓楼东大街之间) #圣拿威.酒吧街# 南锣鼓巷是北京一条有着非常特色的酒吧街,是北京保护最完整的四合院区,整条酒吧街以四合院小平房为主,门前高挂小红灯笼,装修风格回归传统、朴实,遵实于四合院的氛围和格调。 这里的酒吧大多比较安静,和谐、自然、身居闹市却远离闹市的喧嚣,非常贴近于生活。 北京市海淀区新建宫门路19号 我在颐和园:态度很不端正 忍忍算了 请稍等 朝阳区酒仙桥北路2号 【丁丁说店】那家小馆,不起眼的门脸,里面却“别有洞天”。 东城区雍和宫大街12号 最近郁闷,今天去雍和宫逛了逛,蓝天,秋风,大殿下的风铃叮咚的响着,躲在大殿的侧回廊,角落里闭眼静听,心静〜静心! 北京市朝阳区 农展馆北路枣营南里京客隆西 #金鼎轩美食资讯# 粤菜集南海、番禺、东莞、顺德、中山等地方风味的特色,兼京、苏、淮、杭等外省菜以及西菜之所长,融为一体,自成一家。 北京市怀柔区红螺东路2号 介位摄影师把我们的红螺寺拍活了好美的景色,就连我这个土生土长的怀柔妹子都木如此真切的感受到红螺寺的庄严、灵秀、大气、端庄!

北京市门头沟区 潭柘寺景区 【丁丁时尚】潭柘寺位于北京西郊潭柘山麓,因寺后有龙潭,庙前有柘树而得名。 北京市西城区文津街1号 北海公园以九龙壁闻名,而大多数游客很少注意存放园内的铁影壁,这座元代影壁历经六百余年的风雨,历经多次迁移辗转最后被安置于此,麒麟雕工质朴而精美。 26号 月坛南街 西城区, 北京 扫完了必胜客所有不放猪肉培根的披萨及意面,总体感觉,意面味道偏淡,牛肉莎莎面还不错。 北京市海淀区 双榆树华星影院1层 刚尝完味多美一款原味乳酪蛋糕,真令我失望! 丰台区 马家堡路 和 西罗园北路 附近 北京南站原来可以wifi上网,真好,可以免费上网两个小时,只需要用手机接受密码就可以了。 北京市朝阳区三里屯路19号 邮政编码: 100027 三里屯,这的商业中心。 北京市西城区西单北大街131号 点评了商户西单大悦城,总体评价三星:西式的东西,总是吃着不大痛快,可能是吃惯了炒菜的缘故。 玉泉山路 和 香泉环岛 附近 周日去了北京植物园,合理的林间小路,长椅、垃圾桶和卫生间配备的较多,人又不是很多,可以爬山,去梁启超墓和寺庙看一看,选择性比较多,45元的联票很合理。

西城区景山西街44号 2元门票倒是不贵啦,但是能免费就更好啦哈哈! Ubisense. Whereyougonnabe? Webmapper | what the map can be. Spatial networking. Loki - You Can Get There From Here. Home - Geostart. Full service internetbureau GeoStart voor slimme kaarttoepassingen Geo-informatie is niet meer weg te denken uit ons dagelijks leven. Zijn er wegwerkzaamheden op mijn route? Welke dag is er markt? Wat zijn de toeristische attracties hier? GeoStart zet jouw informatie snel en geordend op een kaart. Bekijk de demo Alles in kaart Eenmaal in GeoStart is je informatie beter vindbaar, ook voor zoekmachines.

We ontwikkelden bijvoorbeeld het meldsysteem voor fietsers, de doe-het-zelf kaart voor gemeentelijke samenwerkingen en met de uitslagen van Tweede Kamerverkiezingen. 10 redenen om GeoStart te gebruiken GeoStart ondersteunt Naar de demo! GeoStart voor gemeentes en overheden De gemeenten Rotterdam, Amsterdam en Leiden, het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken, de Europese Commissie: een greep uit de overheden die SWIS met GeoStart op de kaart heeft gezet.

GeoStart gemeentepakket Contactformulier. Knekels en Schedels - Rubriek: Cultuur - Stadsgidsleiden. Jos van den Broek: Bekijk onze stadswandeling... local Search Marketing. Log In | Support | View Cart The Leader in Local Search Search to get started! Affiliate Opportunities Partner with the leader in local business listings. Start Earning Affiliate Revenue Localeze Clarity™ Monitor, prevent and correct unauthorized use of your brand.

Protect Your Brand & Business The Localeze Difference Compare Localeze True Identity ™ to other local search data providers. View Our Comparison Chart Upcoming Localeze Events BIA Leading in Local: Interactive local media December 10-12, 2013 Want to set up a meeting or demo at one or more of our upcoming events? Contact us to set up a meeting Understanding Your Identity Read more about our clients Localeze Solutions & Services Partnership Opportunities Latest Press Release From Localeze Helps Centzy Offer Online Business Listings in Top Ten U.S. Learn More About Us Localeze NEWS & UPDATES Sign up for our Newsletter today! Facebook Updates From Twitter Updates From Twitter @ Localeze Tweets by @Localeze. SmugMug. ImaGeo Project -- one-click geo-information sharing, displaying. Tagcrumbs - Share your favorite places with friends.

IsItBangus (isitbangus) GPS Tracking and Vehicle Tracking: Home. TomTom, portable GPS car navigation systems. .DoubleDutch Launches. Lawrence Coburn is the CEO of, the parent company of brand new location based iPhone App DoubleDutch (app store link). Lawrence is also an editor of the location blog here at The Next Web. In this interview, we discuss RateItAll’s new DoubleDutch iPhone app. Chad: So what is DoubleDutch? Lawrence: DoubleDutch is the first white label, geolocation check in app for the iPhone. Now conferences, hotels, companies, universities, etc. can provide a social location experience under their own brands for their own communities. If Foursquare is like Facebook, DoubleDutch is like Ning. Chad: Is there an example iPhone app we can play with? Lawrence: Yes, the DoubleDutch example application is in the app store. Chad: Is the DoubleDutch example app a competitor to services like Foursquare and Gowalla?

Lawrence: Technically, I guess it is. Chad: As you know there are so many location apps coming out right now. Chad: How does DoubleDutch tie in with your existing company, RateItAll? Yes. Geomium | What's going on around you? Geomium aims to be “Foursquare for real life” Geomium is a new location-based service with grand plans to become the next evolution in personal communication. “With all that Web 2.0 has brought us, Facebook, Twitter, etc, nothing had improved basic social communication over phone calls, emails and SMS”, says co-founder Ben Dowling. ”People today have mobile phones that are permanently connected to the Internet, and location aware.

We want to harness this technology to improve communication.” A “Local social community” How will Geomium work? Geomium is being pitched as an evolution beyond currently popular geolocation services like Foursquare and Gowalla that offers more useful ‘real life’ functions. It has to be said that there are already plenty of geolocation services that offer these features already. With public awareness of geolocation services still very low there’s a huge potential market to tap into.

The F-word Geomium is website-based at present, with an iPhone app nearing completion. Aqar Map عقار ماب - The End of Realtors in the Middle East? Realtors beware, a project that won in round 1 of the 2009 MIT Arab Business Plan Competition has launched a platform that enables the buyers/renters to search the market by browsing an interactive map instead of using keywords alone. which was developed by Samaplus uses advanced mashup technology to empower the users with valuable information.

“We use Google Maps for identifying the location, Youtube for the property tour, Twitter and Facebook for sharing the listing in the social web, and a set of other technologies to translate the content and convert numbers and currencies” said Ahmed Abdul Moula, Technology Manager. We tried the site to look for some real-estate to rent, and it takes location to a new level, as when the site couldn’t find me anything in my country of residence, it went as far as showing me other properties in Jordan, KSA and Lebanon. uses advanced mashup technology to empower the users with valuable information. Relaunches: Get’s a Makeover. Award winning has relaunched with a new interface and some changes based on user feedback in what appears to be some improvements on the platform’s way to do business.

In case you don’t remember Aqarmap (read more about them here) is a crowd sourced project utilizing Social Networking and Media tools such as Google Maps for real-estate location, Youtube for property tours and Twitter / Facebook for sharing and listing in the social web. The website has made some improvements on it’s overall usability apparently led by user feedback, one of the most important of those features being listing’s language entry option.

This option facilitates a property listing to be entered in a language like Arabic for instance and be automatically translated into English to display to non-Arabic speaking users.