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JODI GLOBALMOVE.US. JODI GEO GOO @ GOGBOT 2010. McKenzie Wark. McKenzie Wark (b. September 10, 1961)[1] is an Australian-born writer and scholar. He works mainly on media theory, critical theory and new media. His best known works are A Hacker Manifesto and Gamer Theory. Life[edit] Kenneth McKenzie Wark was born in Newcastle, Australia in 1961 and grew up with his older brother Robert and sister Susan.

McKenzie's mother died when he was 6 years old. Works[edit] In Virtual Geography, published in 1994, Wark offered a theory of what he called the ‘weird global media event’. In two subsequent books, The Virtual Republic, published in 1997, and Celebrities, Culture and Cyberspace (1999), Wark turned his attention to the national cultural space of his homeland, Australia. Both these studies grew out of Wark’s experience as a public intellectual who participated in public controversies, mainly through his newspaper column in The Australian, a leading national daily.

Dispositions, another experimental work followed. Context[edit] Classes[edit] Criticism[edit] Virtual geography: living with ... McKenzie Wark. McKenzie Wark (AUS/US) is a writer who lives and works in New York. McKenzie Wark [foto © Jan Sprij] McKenzie Wark grew up and studied in Australia, at Macquarie University, the University of Technology, Sydney and at the Murdoch University.

In 2000, he emigrated to the US. He is Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at Eugene Lang College and of Sociology at the New School for Social Research, and his main subjects are media theory, critical theory and new media. He is the author of several books, written using experimental writing techniques, such as in "Dispositions" (2002), where he traveled the world with a GPS device and recorded observations at particular times and coordinates. Emotional Cartography - Edited by Christian Nold. The networked car. The world is my canvas. Droombeek. LifeNaut Map your life with.. About Lifenaut - web-based storage space for pictures, videos, m. Marjolijn Boterenbrood || Kijken naar Haarlem Oost. Marjolijn Boterenbrood is beeldend kunstenaar. Intensief onderzoek naar specifieke locaties is de basis van haar werk. Ze vertaalt indrukken van een plek in gedroomde en -ten dele- bedachte 'kaarten', foto's, ruimtelijk werk maar ook in manifestaties.

In dat laatste geval gaat het om grootschalige kunstprojecten. Op initiatief en naar ideeën van Marjolein Boterenbrood bestuderen steeds wisselende groepen kunstenaars en onderzoekers een gebied. Dit soort projecten fungeert als scharnierpunt in haar activiteiten als beeldend kunstenaar en organisator. Een voorbeeld is het Storkterrein in Amsterdam. Boterenbrood initieërde daar een kunstproject in 2002, gefascineerd door de geschiedenis en de mogelijke toekomst van degelijke industiële terreinen. Esther Polak. Esther Polak (Amsterdam 1962) is beeldend kunstenaar op het gebied van nieuwe media. Haar grootste bekendheid ontleent ze aan ‘locative media’ projecten, bijvoorbeeld AmsterdamREALTIME, MILKproject en NomadicMILK. Deze projecten maken gebruik van GPS om tot een hedendaagse landschapsverbeelding te komen. Het project MILK, dat in 2004/’05 in samenwerking met researcher Ieva Auzina en RIXC (Riga Centrum voor Nieuwe Media) tot stand kwam, volgt de route van een Europees zuivelproduct, van de uier van de koe tot aan de mond van de consument.

Alle betrokkenen in deze keten, van de (Letse) boer tot de (Nederlandse) kaasconsument kregen een dag lang een GPS apparaat mee en gaven na afloop persoonlijk commentaar op hun route. NomadicMILK doet onderzoek naar de mobiliteit van zuivel in West Afrika. AmsterdamREALTIME, een project dat tot stand kwam in samenwerking met de Waag Society en kunstenaar Jeroen Kee, stuurde een aantal Amsterdammers een week lang op pad met een GPS apparaat. En op: Realtime.waag. MILK. NomadicMILK. Blast Theory | Rider Spoke. Developing from works such as Uncle Roy All Around You, Rider Spoke invites the audience to cycle through the streets of the city, equipped with a handheld computer. You search for a hiding place and record a short message there.

And then you search for the hiding places of others. The piece continues our fascination with how games and new communication technologies are creating new hybrid social spaces in which the private and the public are intertwined. It poses further questions about where theatre may be sited and what form it may take. It invites the public to be co-authors of the piece and a visible manifestation of it as they cycle through the city.

It is precisely dependent on its local context and invites the audience to explore that context for its emotional and intellectual resonances. In keeping with much of the group’s work Rider Spoke has a high threshold for the audience: you must be willing to cycle, alone at night, through the city. A description of the work. FapMapper. Hands-On Geolocation: An App For “Proud Masturbators And Public. Most press releases are extremely boring. They all say the same things. Not this one. Today, my inbox was graced by pitch that can only be described as stimulating. It made me laugh, it made me question if it was real, and it made me a little creeped out — all in one. There are plenty of tagged places in San Francisco already.

Generally, it’s very poor form to just copy and paste a press release into a post, but this one is just too good for everyone to miss. Not sure this beats the best man who rigged his friends’ bed to tweet during sex, but it’s close. Manhunt! Degree Confluence Project. Urban tapestries. HOW TO GPS Tag Photos: Flickr, Mappr, Google Eart.

Oh Nooo! A 404 Page! Looks like we can't find the page that you are looking for. Sorry about that. Let's see if we can make it up to you. First off, let's try searching for the content. You can do that in the search form below. If that doesn't work, why not try browsing from popular categories? Read Digital Edition Shop Maker Shed Trending Topics Get our Newsletters About Maker Media. Informationlab. Mr. Lee - Projects and technologies for cats and pets. A'damRealtime EsterPolak. Beelddiktee Esther Polak. 'In my arrogance I thought I could see. An artist should have this kind of courage. But during a period in which I regularly walked with bird-connoisseurs in woods and open fields, it occurred to me that I completely need to start learning to see again.

My landscape was changed forever, now filled with bird names. The question struck me: what do I not see now? How many professions and occupations exist that have a looking-grammar? Esther Polak Foundation Beelddiktee (Dutch for: Image Dictation) was founded in 2004 by the artist Esther Polak. This mediation forms selective spectacles, or rather a sieve, between us and reality. Sometimes these selective spectacles are language ( it is only when you can give something a name, that you can see it), sometimes a technique (once one looks under a microscope, their reality will never be the same again), sometimes a culture (if one grows up in a culture that appreciates clean sidewalks, will always immediately notice dirt on the streets).

Dislocated HollandDoc. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep is wettelijk verplicht toestemming te vragen voor het gebruik van cookies. Als je deze eenmalig accepteert, dan zijn alle websites van de Publieke Omroep te bezoeken. Wij maken gebruik van functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. De cookies bevatten geen persoonsgegevens en zijn dus niet tot een individu te herleiden. Momenteel werken we aan een nieuwe oplossing voor het geven van toestemming voor cookies. Je kunt nu al zelf cookies volledig uitzetten in je internet browser. Klik op accepteren als je al geïnformeerd bent over het gebruik van cookies. TELE_TRUST. Tele_Trust. How do we trust each other as networking bodies? Do we need to look each other in the eyes? Or do we need to touch each other? In TELE_TRUST Lancel and Maat explore how in our changing social ecosystem we increasingly demand transparency, while at the same time we increasingly cover our vulnerable bodies with personal communication-technology.

TELE_TRUST opens a hybrid play zone for a vulnerable process, of balancing between fear and desire for the other. In a visual and poetic way, Lancel and Maat look closely into the contemporary emotional and social tension between visibility and invisibility, and between privacy and trust. TELE_TRUST takes place in dynamic public spaces, where it functions as a social lab in which participants from the audience act as co-researchers. The audience is there invited to wear an interactive data-veil as a second skin, as a membrane that scans an intimate, networked, body experience. Everyone can wear a data-veil. Sensors for a DataVeil. Paranoid Panopticum. Tine Bech. Google_Street car in Berlin. Google: GPS on our German Street View car? No, that was a hoax |

This just in from Google: "Just saw your piece on the GPS Street View car in Germany and wanted to let you know it was a hoax :-) . Free Art and Technology (F.A.T.) Lab is an art organization which recently used a fake Street View car as an art project in Berlin and claimed to have put a GPS tracking device on in to track its route. This car was not an official Google car, as we are currently not driving through Germany as there are not optimal weather and light conditions at this time of year. As soon as we'll restart driving you can find the driving schedule at I blame myself for not joining the dots far enough to realise that February in Europe, with its short days and low sun angles, wasn't going to be prime Street View-shooting material.

F.A.T. F.A.T. Lab (fffffat) GPS Drawing Information. Man In Box. A Map Envelope. Zetcultuuropdekaart (cultuuropkaart) Denise Cremers (theresheis) Kunst En Cultuur 2010 video: Jeroen. Radiant Copenhagen. World culture map SHIFT. Why Geolocation Services Are Exciting For Poets, Musicians, Educators & Comedians. The era of location-as-platform for software development is just beginning.

No longer of interest only to uber-geeks, everyday people are now reporting their physical locations online, often through their phones. Geolocation services are hot and ever more prominent ones (like Facebook) are believed to be right around the corner. This is a very exciting development for lovers of innovation. Today we asked some of our favorite web-heads why they are excited about geolocation and below you'll find their answers. We hope you'll share with us what you too, dear readers, think of this hot new trend online. We'll start with three short responses from software developers, in order to put things in some technical context.

For Software Developers John Musser, ProgrammableWeb Nearly everything in our lives has a geo component - so it's a universally useful service. Raven Zachary, Small Society Relevancy. Kevin Marshall, Hive Mind Alex Iskold, GetGlue For Poets Dean McCall, Idea Finishing School For Music.