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Joel Rea. Supersonic Electronic Art. Bartkira - Ryan Humphrey. About Contact/Links Colour Drawings Film John Carpenter Films Collaborations Bartkira Bartle Royale Machine Brave New World Zines Manatee short stories Posters The Bloody Chamber Sketchbook work (1) Sketchbook work (2) Sketchbook work (3) Sketchbook work (4) index A project where I mix The Simpsons with Akira.

. (9,759 views) Filed under illustration , comics , sketchbook. Mutual tunnels art. AW HELLZ NAW. Sekwana. Surcouf Prod. Jonathan Delerue. Stephane Levallois. Submarine Channel. Storyboard tumblr. Of the thousands and thousands of micro-cultures extant today, the pursuit of bending things is a particularly niche obsession. This is the world of Bending Steel, which follows the personal journey of Chris Schoeck as he tries to find path forward to improving his body, mind, and spirit. He locates this path via the traditions of the vaudeville strongmen of Coney Island, who were known to bend nails, horseshoes, and steel bars with their hands, legs, necks, or even their hair and teeth.

As Schoeck trains and challenges himself to bend, he finds a family of sorts among other would-be strongmen – the kind of kinship and validation that had eluded him for his entire life. The story culminates in a strongman show on Coney Island where Schoeck attempts to bend a steel bar that has always defeated him before, in front of his friends and a crowd of strangers who represent all his fears and doubts. . – Chris Mohney. Luc Desportes.