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Marching around Tahrir, covered by a plastic sheet to protect. Detentions, and a Mubarak Aide’s Role in Them, Anger Egyptians. Tahrir Square 05-feb-2011 (Part 2) [HQ].mp4. Wednesday night intense battle. Hosny out, Egypt is free. Rocks used to defend Tahrir sq have been repurposed into scul. Share photos on Twitter. [LIVE] Dans les rues du Caire » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. À quelques centaines de mètres de là, François Hien suit également le soulèvement et raconte son point de vue sur l'évolution de la situation. Mardi 8 février Hier matin, je rends visite à mes amis arrêtés la veille et relâchés au bout de quatre heures d’une invraisemblable violence. En frappant à la porte de chez eux, j’essaie de charger mon geste de toute la tendresse du monde pour ne pas qu’un instant ils puissent imaginer que je leur sois hostile.

Plus tard, l’un d’eux dormant encore, je dois aller récupérer dans sa chambre un chargeur de portable. J’y pénètre doucement et je déambule à reculon dans la pièce, restant face à lui pour que s’il s’éveille il voit mon visage paisible et bienveillant. Je m’en voudrais terriblement que ma présence dans sa chambre réveille en lui, même un court instant, les sensations de la veille. Je parviens à peine à me figurer qu’ils ont vécu une chose pareille. J’ai cessé de comprendre ce qui se passe ici.

Ce que je lis de la presse française m’accable. Share photos on Twitter. Live blog Feb 6 - Egypt protests. From our headquarters in Doha, we keep you updated on all things Egypt, with reporting from Al Jazeera staff in Cairo and Alexandria. Live Blog: Jan28 - Jan29 - Jan30 - Jan31 - Feb1 - Feb2 - Feb3 - Feb4 - Feb5 The Battle for Egypt - AJE Live Stream - Timeline - Photo Gallery - AJE Tweets - AJE Audio Blogs (All times are local in Egypt, GMT+2) 11:45pm The US state department has said that Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, spoke last night with Ahmed Shafik, the Egyptian prime minister.

Clinton emphasized the need to ensure that the legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people are met, and that a broad cross-section of political actors and civil society have to be a part of the Egyptian-led process. She also stressed that incidents of harassment and detention of activists, journalists and other elements of civil society must stop. There had been many calls on Twitter for the release of Mohyeldin, who has more than 20,000 followers on his page. We cannot call talks or negotiations. Mubarak is Illegitimate. Egypt unrest: Hosni Mubarak must stay - US envoy. 5 February 2011Last updated at 23:19 Frank Wisner: 'This is an ideal moment for Mubarak to show the way forward' The US state department has distanced itself from comments by a US special envoy, to the effect that Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak should stay in office during a power transition.

Spokesman Philip Crowley said Frank Wisner's views were his own, and not co-ordinated with the US government. Hundreds of protesters are refusing to leave Cairo's Tahrir Square. Mr Mubarak has vowed to stand down in September. The entire politburo including his son Gamal lost their jobs. Hossam Badrawi, a reformer and top physician, took the post of head of the policies committee, held by Gamal Mubarak, and that of secretary-general. On Friday US President Barack Obama urged Mr Mubarak to "make the right decision" and to begin the transition "now", without explicitly saying he should step down.

The military want to re-open the square to the public and confine the protests to a small area. Analysis. In the hands of the secret police. Girl leading chants at Tahrir. Chaîne de AlJazeeraEnglish. Egypte: Démission de l'exécutif du Parti national démocrate. 21h32: TUNISIE: Deux morts après des tirs de la policeDeux personnes ont été tuées samedi et 17 autres blessées dans la nord de la Tunisie lorsque la police a tiré pour repousser des manifestants qui lançaient pierres et cocktails Molotov sur un poste de police. "Un millier de personnes se sont rassemblées lors d'une manifestation devant le commissariat de police d'El Kef afin de réclamer le limogeage du chef de la police de la ville pour abus de pouvoir dans l'exercice de ses fonctions", a-t-on indiqué de source proche du ministère de l'Intérieur.

Le ministère de l'Intérieur a arrêté le chef de la police d'El Kef à la suite de ces incidents, a-t-on ajouté. 21h00: EGYPTE: Washington désavoue l'émissaire d'ObamaUn peu plus tôt dans la journée, Franck Wisner, émissaire personnel du président Barack Obama, avait déclaré que "le maintien à la direction du pays de monsieur Moubarak est vital". 18h13: PARIS: Plus de 2.000 manifestants contre Moubarak 12:46: EGYPTE: Le vice-président en danger? Activists block tanks from entering Tahrir Square.

Protesters line up against Egyptian military tanks at an entrance to Tahrir Square on Saturday. NEW: Apparent military effort to reopen Tahrir Square is rebuffedNEW: When Mubarak leaves, they will leave, the protesters sayThe Tahrir Square protesters form a human chain to block tanks from enteringScuffles broke out when soldiers knocked down some barricades, a witness says Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- Opposition activists formed a human chain outside one of the entrances to Tahrir Square on Saturday afternoon to prevent two Egyptian military tanks from crossing through barricades into what has effectively become an anti-Mubarak enclave in the heart of the Egyptian capital. An eyewitness said scuffles broke out after an army general asked demonstrators to take down their makeshift barricades of corrugated steel and debris, which were built up during 48 hours of bloody fighting with regime supporters next to Cairo's landmark Egyptian Museum.

Haviv said that initial tension was defused after Gen. Egypt military mulls its options - Middle East. Egypt’s army is likely to decide the fate of the pro-democracy protesters in Tahrir Square, and the short-term future of the country’s government – yet few Egyptians know what to expect, because the army’s objectives and orders remain unclear and sometimes contradictory. Soldiers seem to have been tasked with crowd control near Tahrir Square, but the army has also stressed in several public statements that it will not fire on civilians.

Thus, while the army deployed troops around Tahrir on Thursday – forming a protective ring around pro-democracy protesters – it was quickly forced to withdraw once heavy fighting picked up. The next day, the defence minister – Mohammad Hussain Tantawi – paid a personal visit to Tahrir Square, meeting with soldiers stationed around it. The army said on Friday that it would protect foreign journalists covering the rallies in Tahrir Square, even though military intelligence arrested dozens of reporters on Thursday. Business interests Power struggle.