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Your Mum Knows More About Advertising Than You Do - Jon Kallus. Honda Motor Europe España - División Automóviles.

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Goth girl. 50 exemples de packagings ultra créatifs pour des t-shirts ! Un beau packaging est une façon très pertinente de mettre en avant son produit de façon innovant.

50 exemples de packagings ultra créatifs pour des t-shirts !

Et bien sur, il en est de même pour les t-shirts. Pour bien réussir un packaging, il est essentiel que le client ressente l’effet « wow » lorsqu’il découvre l’emballage. From Moscow to Mumbai, These Agencies Made Award-Winning Campaigns Like Epic Split and Dumb Ways to Die. BETC Paris While this agency’s logo pays homage to the bee colony it tends atop its roof terrace—which happens to be some of the finest real estate in Paris, boasting a 360-degree view—the insect imagery also gives a nod to the creative chaos inside the shop that has brought such sweet results.

From Moscow to Mumbai, These Agencies Made Award-Winning Campaigns Like Epic Split and Dumb Ways to Die

“We like the idea of a hive with its hustle and bustle,” explains Stéphane Xiberras, president and executive creative director. “When you watch bees work, you have the impression it’s pure mayhem, but there’s a logic to it. With us, it’s exactly the same thing.” Launched 20 years ago as an offshoot of Euro RSCG, now Havas, BETC’s work became the stuff of global fascination. In 2009, Evian’s “Roller Babies” became the most downloaded commercial in the world. Forsman & Bodenfors Gothenburg In 1986, four guys started an ad agency in this Swedish industrial port, an unlikely location seeing as the country’s ad industry is centered in Stockholm. (L. to r.) Fred & Farid Grape/Hungry Boys. JOHNNIE WALKER BLUE LABEL presents Jude Law in 'The Gentleman's Wager' 16 différences entre un Directeur Artistique et un Concepteur Rédacteur. En publicité, le team créatif, composé d’un Directeur Artistique et d’un Concepteur Rédacteur, est devenu la base de la création en agence.

16 différences entre un Directeur Artistique et un Concepteur Rédacteur

Dans ce team créatif, l’un s’occupe de la partie rédactionnel et l’autre de la force des images. Les deux ont un rôle très important car ils ne peuvent pas proposer une création sans le travail de l’autre. “Everything is not awesome”, Greenpeace quiere acabar con la alianza entre Lego y Shell. Vídeo Publicado el julio 10th, 2014 | por huss87 Lego es una marca que nos gusta a todos, sus coloridos bloques han logrado conquistar nuestro corazoncito hasta tal punto que pocas marcas consiguen hacerlo.

“Everything is not awesome”, Greenpeace quiere acabar con la alianza entre Lego y Shell

No obstante, sus alianzas parece que no gustan a todos y Greenpeace ha creado una campaña para pedir que la marca de juguetes rompa su relación con Shell. Zachary Quinto, Thespian and Traitor, Joins Newcastle's 'Independence Eve' Campaign. There's no way more American to celebrate the Fourth of July than selling out your country for an English beer, says Newcastle.

Zachary Quinto, Thespian and Traitor, Joins Newcastle's 'Independence Eve' Campaign

The Heineken-owned brand, brewed in Britain, and ad agency Droga5 continue their deft efforts to troll Independence Day, now with videos featuring Pittsburgh-born actor Zachary Quinto, pitching "Newport [sic] Brown Ale, the most American of non-American beers. " It's ballsy for any marketer to pay talent to purposefully mangle its name in an ad. But it's also very much in keeping with the self-deprecating tone of Newcastle's "If We Won" campaign, introduced by Stephen Merchant, and soon to present Elizabeth Hurley.

Overall, the tongue-in-cheek fantasy about how great America would be if Britain had won the Revolutionary War works pretty well, in large part because the brand is so happy to skewer itself—and the tagline's totally absurd premise—along with the U.S. "There'd be crumpets," says the voiceover in another spot. Barbie Leans In with Her Own LinkedIn Page. Editor's Pick She has many careers, but until now, Barbie hasn't exactly had a resume.

Barbie Leans In with Her Own LinkedIn Page

But now Mattel's iconic doll has joined the world of 21st century professional networking with her own LinkedIn Page. Aimed at inspiring young girls, the page is for Entrepreneur Barbie, who tells us: "My new business is "Dream Incubator" where I act as a consultant, helping girls around the world play out their imagination, try on different careers, and explore the world around them. Our company tagline is "If you Can Dream It, You Can Be it! " Adobe presenta a la nueva generación de creativos en Cannes. Gráfica Publicado el junio 17th, 2014 | por huss87 La agencia Goodby Silverstein & Partners han sido los responsables de crear la campaña “Welcome to Cannes”, la forma en la que Adobe ha dado la bienvenida a los cerca de 12.000 asistentes del Festival Publicitario Cannes Lions.

Adobe presenta a la nueva generación de creativos en Cannes

Los protagonistas son algunos de los representantes de la nueva generación de creativos, profesionales que se autodefinen como “transformadores”, “creadores de problemas”, “visionarios” o “inventores” y que están definiendo las bases de la nueva publicidad. La campaña, mostrada en la entrada del Palais, presenta a estos creativos con algunos de sus trabajos proyectados sobre sus caras, logrando un efecto bastante interesante. Ellos son Jeff Benjamin (JWT), PJ Pereira (Pereira & O’Dell), Eric Kallman (Goodby Silverstein & Partners), Fernanda Romano (Naked), Mick Ebeling (Not Impossible Labs) y Alex Trochut y entre todos ellos acumulan 110 Cannes Lions y 14 Grandes Premios, ¡casi nada! Y no os perdáis el making of… #firstworldproblems: Personas del Tercer Mundo leyendo nuestros tweets.

“Nuestro concepto creativo ha sido utilizar el café para conectar personas”