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Top 10 des Bricolages de Fixation pour GoPro. Voici un Top 10 des Bricolages de Fixation pour GoPro. Cet article a pour but de présenter un melting-pot de bricolages/recyclages de fixation pour votre caméra Gopro Hero, et donc par la même occasion de vous donner de l’inspiration dans vos futurs réalisations. N’hésitez pas à nous transmettre vos réalisations. 1. Raye pour faire des transitions fluides. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pour voir plus de bricolages cliquez ici. GoPro WiFi Windows App by Cam-Do. WiGo is a Windows application designed to communicate with GoPro WiFi enabled cameras that can be used to change the camera settings, preview the image, and download photos and videos directly to your PC from the SD card. Download WiGo Version 0.19 Read the FAQ and Feedback Donations are gratefully accepted. This is beta testing software. Use at your own risk. This software may damage your camera. The responsibility is entirely with the user.

Shortly after the iPhone application was released by GoPro, a number of enterprising individuals began to catalog the WiFi commands sent from that app to the GoPro Wifi BacPac. Before you begin to use WiGo, it will be necessary to do the following: Update the firmware in your Camera to version 198 or later. WiGo does not require any installation. First, use the Options Menu to set the IP address and password WiGo will use to communicate with the camera. In the Options Menu, set the Path to VLC . VLC is a very powerful program. . - Leonardo in Sao Paulo. GoPro+Wifi BacPac : Tuto pour avoir un retour vidéo sur votre ordinateur | Abe Kislevitz | 2012 Blog & Portfolio. GoPro HD Cameras Hacks et astuces.