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Fellowship Robotic Surgery Training Course. World Laparoscopy Hospital is first private hospital in India to start da Vinci robotic surgery for patients and first in Asia to offer state of the art da Vinci robotic surgery training for surgeons and gynecologist. World Laparoscopy Hospital provide Fellowship of International College of Robotic Surgeons and allow the trainee surgeons to work on real high definition surgical robot. The Robotic Surgery course will focus on the challenges unique to working with a robotic surgical set up and system.

This course will consist of a hands-on training on the da Vinci surgical Robot in which participants will receive instruction by experts in various robotic surgery techniques and procedures, including foregut, bariatic, renal, colorectal, hepato-biliary, solid-organ, and revisional surgery. The course fee for F.MAS is 1,75,000 Rupees for Indian surgeons and 3,500 USD for overseas surgeon and NRI. Twenty Percent of laparoscopic surgeons set to retire early due to physical stress. Survey exposes the physical impact on laparoscopic surgeons of conducting minimal access surgery that threatens to shorten surgical careers and put further pressure on health systems.

Twenty Percent of laparoscopic surgeons set to retire early due to physical stress

Nearly 20% of surgeons in the UK and the U.S, and 15% of surgeons surveyed in Germany think they may need to retire early due to physical impact of conducting laparoscopic surgery. Nearly 20% of surgeons in the UK and the U.S, and 15% of surgeons surveyed in Germany think they may need to retire early due to physical impact of conducting laparoscopic surgery. Up to a fifth of surgeons in the UK (19%), U.S (20%) and Germany (15%) predict they are likely to retire early because of the physical strain of conducting minimal access surgical procedures, according to a survey of over 450 surgeons across Europe and the U.S.

The physical strain of conducting minimal access procedures is further adding to an existing workforce crisis. Twenty Percent of laparoscopic surgeons set to retire early due to physical stress. Isthmocele. Hysteroscopic & Laparoscopic surgery. This “gap” in the anterior lower uterine segment receives different names, being the terms “niche” or isthmocele the most commonly used.

Isthmocele. Hysteroscopic & Laparoscopic surgery

This defect and its relation with some clinical symptoms such as menorrhagia, abdominal pain, dyspareunia and dysmenorrhea was first described by Morris using the term “cesarean scar syndrome”. The estimated incidence of cesarean scar defect (CSD) ranges from 24% to 56% [10]. This incidence varies considerably depending on the reports.

American College of Surgeons provides recommendations for elective surgery during COVID-19 pandemic. The coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two.

American College of Surgeons provides recommendations for elective surgery during COVID-19 pandemic

Since its emergence in Asia late last year, the virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica. Cases are rising daily in Africa the Americas, and Europe. Until the predicted inflection point in the exposure, the graph has been passed and a potentially rapid and overwhelming uptick in critical patient care needs can be supported by the health care infrastructure, the ACS recommends all hospitals, health systems, and surgeons “thoughtfully review all scheduled elective procedures with a plan to minimize, postpone or cancel electively scheduled operations, endoscopies or other invasive procedures,” according to the release. The ACS also recommends immediately minimizing the use of essential items needed to care for patients, such as ICU beds, personal protective equipment, terminal cleaning supplies, and ventilators. FDA revises morcellator use to women under 50. The FDA has announced a series of actions aimed at limiting the use of power morcellators in gynecologic surgeries—such as recommendations that they only be used in certain laparoscopic procedures, and that they always are used with equipment designed to contain the spread of any minced-up tissue.

FDA revises morcellator use to women under 50

This includes a revised contraindication warning against their use in women over age 50. Previous contraindications included peri- or post-menopausal women, as well as those who could have their tissue removed via a different surgical route. The agency also updated the labeling and appropriate patient populations for such an add-on containment device—Olympus’ PneumoLiner system, which received de novo clearance in 2016 and remains unchanged—to better tailor its use to pre-menopausal women, under age 50, who have uterine fibroids.

The FDA’s 2014 final guidance on morcellator labeling included a black box warning about the risks of hidden cancer tissue within uterine fibroids. Text Book of Practical laparoscopic Surgery. Advanced Laparoscopic Fellowship Training Course in Laparoscopy. International Laparoscopic Surgery training in Dubai. Register for Dubai Course Surgeon or gynecologist who want to get admission at world's most advanced laparoscopic training institute should consider their training at Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai. Course meets the guidelines as established in the "Framework for Post Residency Surgical Education and Training" and is ENDORSED AT THE GOLD LEVEL various international organizations including WALS and ICRS.

Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC) is the World's largest integrated healthcare Free Zone which attract more than 1.2 million patient each year. World Laparoscopy Training Institute is situated in the heart of Dubai Healthcare City and has educational license by Dubai Health Care Regulatory to ensure compliance and enforcement of international quality standards. After completion of the course CPD points will be awarded by Dubai Healthcare Authority which is recognized by Govt. of UAE. F.MAS Convocation F.MAS Daily Schedule. International Laparoscopic Surgery training in USA. Course Schedule Apply for USA Course Pay Initial Registration Fee The Minimal Access Surgery Fellowship Course organized by World Laparoscopy Training Institute in Tampa, Florida, USA, is a hands‐on educational course for General Surgeon, Gynecologist, Pediatric Surgeon and Urologist who desire to advance their skills and knowledge in laparoscopic surgery.

International Laparoscopic Surgery training in USA

Tampa is the fastest developing cities of the U.S. and an international hub for finance, culture, commerce, industry, education, and technology in the World. Tampa International Airport, Tampa, Florida, USA, has a direct flight from all the major cities of the World. US VISA: The Surgeons or Gynecologist can apply for B-1 VISA in their country at US consulate.