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GTL - The Graph Template Library. Theoretische Informatik Faculty Chairs Theoretische Informatik Projects Projects The projects of the chair: DFG: Projekt "radiales und zyklisches Zeichnen von Graphen" (2009-2011) Gravisto contains an powerful data structure, which is easy to extend, to save graphs. Graphlet (no more available) is a toolkit for the implementation of editors and drawing algorithms for graphs. GTL (Graph Template Library) is a STL based library, which provides necessary classes and algorithms for the work with graphs. GTL-java provides the GTL graph structure and algorithms for Java (GTL_java-1.0.0-lgpl). Biopath is a platform for a convenient electronic access to the biochemical knowledge. GraphEd is an interactive, extendable editor for graphs and graph gramatics. VisnaCom On the pages of VisnaCom (in german) an editor for compound graphs is presented. News at Department News at university Events at university University of Passau Home Glossary Imprint Privacy policy Deutsch.

LibMesh - C Finite Element Library. Dlib C++ Library. The Verifica Library. Online Specman and e Tutorial Want to bone up on Specman and the e language in a hurry? Check out Avidan Efody's valuable online Tutorial and collection of coding and methodology tips. Process for qualifying Verification IP Looking for quality Verification IP for your next SoC or FPGA design? Wondering how you can separate the shoddy from the spectacular? Check out Michael Horne's DVCon '05 paper on VIP qualification and usage methods for a step-by-step qualification process that will save you time and headaches.

Using the SystemVerilog Direct Programming Interface Check out this cool primer by Edelman and Warmke on DPI programming and learn how to hook up your C-models to SystemVerilog. Guidelines for developing SystemVerilog Assertion IP Four engineers from Synopsys share their insight into developing Assertion IP using SystemVerilog in this informative whitepaper from DVCon '05. Online Verilog mini-course Need a quick primer on Verilog? Verifica picks 4 top verification reference texts. Boost C++ Libraries. Problems with Boost.Thread.hpp - C++

Libcwd: The C Debugging Support Library.