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Inquiry: Pearl Harbor Attack on U.S.

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Man on the Street - New York, NY - December 8, 1941. "Man-on-the-Street," New York, New York, December 8, 1941. The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection or any other restrictions in the material in this collection, except as noted below.

"Man-on-the-Street," New York, New York, December 8, 1941

All other materials are free to use and reuse. The following materials are included with permission. Please contact the American Folklife Center for additional information where contact information is not provided: Man on the Street - Austin, TX - December 9, 1941. "Man-on-the-Street," Austin, Texas, December 9, 1941. The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection or any other restrictions in the material in this collection, except as noted below.

"Man-on-the-Street," Austin, Texas, December 9, 1941

All other materials are free to use and reuse. The following materials are included with permission. Please contact the American Folklife Center for additional information where contact information is not provided: "Dear Mr. President" and "The Martins and the Coys" performed by Pete Seeger. Dear Mr. President - New York - 1942 (Text 1) "Dear Mr. President," New York - 1942 (Audio 1)

The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection or any other restrictions in the material in this collection, except as noted below.

"Dear Mr. President," New York - 1942 (Audio 1)

All other materials are free to use and reuse. The following materials are included with permission. Dear Mr. President - New York - 1942 (Text 2) Dear Mr. President, New York -1942 (Audio 2) The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection or any other restrictions in the material in this collection, except as noted below.

Dear Mr. President, New York -1942 (Audio 2)

All other materials are free to use and reuse. The following materials are included with permission. Please contact the American Folklife Center for additional information where contact information is not provided: "Dear Mr. Dear Mr. President - Minneapolis - 1942. Dear Mr. President, Minneapolis -1942. The Library of Congress is not aware of any U.S. copyright protection or any other restrictions in the material in this collection, except as noted below.

Dear Mr. President, Minneapolis -1942

All other materials are free to use and reuse. The following materials are included with permission. Please contact the American Folklife Center for additional information where contact information is not provided: "Dear Mr. President" and "The Martins and the Coys" performed by Pete Seeger. Japanese Internment Camps: WWII, Life & Conditions - HISTORY. Army-directed evacuations began on March 24.

Japanese Internment Camps: WWII, Life & Conditions - HISTORY

People had six days notice to dispose of their belongings other than what they could carry. Anyone who was at least 1/16th Japanese was evacuated, including 17,000 children under 10, as well as several thousand elderly and handicapped. Japanese Americans reported to centers near their homes. From there they were transported to a relocation center where they might live for months before transfer to a permanent wartime residence. These centers were located in remote areas, often reconfigured fairgrounds and racetracks featuring buildings not meant for human habitation, like horse stalls or cow sheds, that had been converted for that purpose.

Gender on the Home Front. The federal government and industrial leaders attempted to reassure a skeptical public and limit the potentially radical gender changes that women’s work posed by casting them as patriotic and necessary and by portraying women workers as the epitome of femininity.

Gender on the Home Front

“Rosie” might have taken on new roles riveting airplanes or producing munitions, countless posters, films, and newsreels, but she remained feminine with manicured nails, carefully applied lipstick, and styled hair. Moreover, despite her confident attitude and capabilities, she was only a temporary aberration, eager to give up her welding goggles and steel-toed boots for domestic bliss at the war’s end. When victory came, some women were more than ready to return to domestic life, but even those who wanted or needed to continue working found their options severely limited as men returned home and demands for war materials decreased. Public Opinion in World War II. Www.britannica. Images Website for this image Japanese American internment | Definition, Camps, & Facts | Britannica Similar images Images may be subject to copyright.

