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20 of the fastest growing developer tools. Venture capitalists and angel investors are clamoring to fund developer tools.

20 of the fastest growing developer tools

According to a recent estimate, they poured a massive $646 million into this space in 2012, making it one of the hottest market opportunities for entrepreneurs. So of course, companies are rushing to create new tools for developers. Some of these new products provide real value, and are selling fast. Others inspire initial interest from customers, and then fall flat. Tim Strehle’s Blog » HTML Hypermedia API resources. HTML5 media and non-HTML5 media.

I’m spending almost all of my time these days on three Mozilla video projects : Popcorn.js , the Butter SDK , and the soon-to-be-beta Popcorn Maker tool.

HTML5 media and non-HTML5 media

Face detection using HTML5, javascript, webrtc, websockets, Jetty and OpenCV. Through HTML5 and the corresponding standards, modern browsers get more standarized features with every release.

Face detection using HTML5, javascript, webrtc, websockets, Jetty and OpenCV

Most people have heard of websockets that allows you to easily setup a two way communication channel with a server, but one of the specifications that hasn't been getting much coverage is the webrtc specificiation. With the webrtc specification it will become easier to create pure HTML/Javascript real-time video/audio related applications where you can access a user's microphone or webcam and share this data with other peers on the internet.

For instance you can create video conferencing software that doesn't require a plugin, create a baby monitor using your mobile phone or more easily facilitate webcasts. All using cross-browser features without the use of a single plugin. Matthias Wessendorf's Weblog. Yahoo! Cocktails: When the client is in the cloud. One of the reasons I’m proud to work at Yahoo!

Yahoo! Cocktails: When the client is in the cloud

Is that we have some very nice products that reach hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Another reason is that Yahoo! Is behind the development of several advanced technologies and platforms, such as Hadoop. Hitchiker Guide to the Atmosphere Framework using WebSocket, Long-Polling and Http Streaming. The Atmosphere Framework easily allow the writing of web application that support, transparently, SSE (Server Side Events), JSONP, WebSocket, Long-Polling and Http Streaming.

Hitchiker Guide to the Atmosphere Framework using WebSocket, Long-Polling and Http Streaming

The Atmosphere Framework also hide the complexity of the current asynchronous API, which differ from Server to Server and make your application portable among them. More important, it is much more easy to write an Atmosphere application than using the Servlet 3.0 API. Cross-Browser Testing Tool - BrowserStack. How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers. Web browsers are the most widely used software.

How Browsers Work: Behind the Scenes of Modern Web Browsers

In this primer, I will explain how they work behind the scenes. We will see what happens when you type in the address bar until you see the Google page on the browser screen. The browsers we will talk about There are five major browsers used on desktop today: Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Opera. On mobile, the main browsers are Android Browser, iPhone, Opera Mini and Opera Mobile, UC Browser, the Nokia S40/S60 browsers and Chrome–all of which, except for the Opera browsers, are based on WebKit.

The browser's main functionality The main function of a browser is to present the web resource you choose, by requesting it from the server and displaying it in the browser window. The way the browser interprets and displays HTML files is specified in the HTML and CSS specifications. Browser user interfaces have a lot in common with each other. The browser's high level structure The browser's main components are (1.1): LightningJS: safe, fast, and asynchronous third-party Javascript : programming. Reliable, Scalable, and Kinda Sorta Cheap: A Cloud Hosting Architecture for MongoDB - The Art Of Delightful Software.


REST. Pillars of Python: Six Python Web frameworks compared. August 10, 2011.

Pillars of Python: Six Python Web frameworks compared

Overclocking SSL. (This is a write up of the talk that I gave at Velocity 2010 last Thursday.

Overclocking SSL

This is a joint work of myself, Nagendra Modadugu and Wan-Teh Chang.) The ‘S’ in HTTPS stands for ‘secure’ and the security is provided by SSL/TLS. SSL/TLS is a standard network protocol which is implemented in every browser and web server to provide confidentiality and integrity for HTTPS traffic. How to take advantage of Redis just adding it to your stack. Redis is different than other database solutions in many ways: it uses memory as main storage support and disk only for persistence, the data model is pretty unique, it is single threaded and so forth.

How to take advantage of Redis just adding it to your stack

I think that another big difference is that in order to take advantage of Redis in your production environment you don't need to switch to Redis. You can just use it in order to do new things that were not possible before, or in order to fix old problems. Switching to Redis is of course an option, and many users are using Redis as primary database since they need features or write speed or latency or some other feature, but as you can guess switching is a big step if you have an already running application in production. Infrastructure Scalability Pattern: Sharding Streams. JSON Activity Streams offers some interesting new scalability pattern possibilities via layer 7 (application) switching.

Infrastructure Scalability Pattern: Sharding Streams


Mobile. Javascript. 35+ Use Cases for Choosing Your Next NoSQL Database.