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[Infographic] Mapping the Tools in the Mobile Development Ecosystem. The mobile development ecosystem is a large, complicated space. There are innovative startups making tools for native and mobile Web apps along with large enterprise-grade companies that offer solutions from cloud support to frameworks and developer environments. For a mobile developer, it can be confusing to know where to turn and what to use to make the best app possible. Mobile "backend-as-a-service" startup Kinvey created a map for ReadWriteMobile to help developers understand the ecosystem. Kinvey brackets the mobile ecosystem between two primary pillars: the service providers and the original equipment manufacturers.

Mapping the Complicated Ecosystem The original players in the mobility space were the OEMs and carriers. "In the mobile world, the service providers and the handset OEMs were the original two players. Kinvey places itself in the middle of the ecosystem. There is a lot of movement n the ecosystem, as the map shows. Click here for a larger map, hosted by Kinvey. Android - Google Code University - Google Code. Nexus 7, ASUS Transformer Pad, and HP Slate8 Pro tablets deliver powerful educational content to the hands of students at an affordable price. These tablets come with the array of apps in Google Play for Education and the best of Google apps like Docs, Chrome, Gmail, Earth and more. With NFC touch deployment technology - simply tap device to device to set up a classroom of tablets in just minutes.

And with access to Google's Admin console, schools can manage devices easily. Free Educational Video Tutorials on Computer Programming and More! » Android Tutorials have Arrived! A true story about survival in the Adirondack Mountains. The park covers 6.1 million acres, a land area greater than Vermont, or than Yellowstone, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, Glacier, and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks combined.

The Adirondacks are also home to thousands of black bears, deadly snakes, and countless other dangers. Abandoned in the middle of the park with no survival experience and very few supplies, the entire journey was documented and filmed. Click here to watch the whole series! Welcome to thenewboston, the ultimate source for free video tutorials on the internet! There is also a new and improved thenewboston Official Forum. If you are ever on YouTube, make sure to check out my channel at Feel free to donate to help support thenewboston.

I hope you all enjoy the website, and thank you to everyone for all of your support! 10+ Mobile Application Development Courses & Tools | iPhone, Android. Share Email Sharebar With the increased usage of smart phones and the hardware goes into the mobile, now dual core processor mobile are in the market, demand for sophisticated apps(applications) is growing now than before. So is the necessity of courses on app development for both the leading mobile platforms iOS and Android. While Stanford university has started an exclusive course on iPhone app development since 2010, Harvard extension school recently started an online course “Building mobile application”. Courses Building Mobile Applications : A course by Harvard extension School during spring 2011. Every lecture has HD mp4 video, audio, lecture notes and examples. iPhone Application development : Winter 2010 course by Stanford university, covers only about iPhone app development.

Developing Mobile application by Web Technologies : Another course by Stanford, this about developing application on WebOS. iPhone Application Programming : Tought by Prof. In Other Languages: AppMakr BuzzTouch. Mobile Application Design and Development (Spring 2010 – INFO 152 – CCN 42504) What every Programmer should know about the memory system. “Web” vs. “Native” Back in Fe­bru­ary of 2010 I in­ter­viewed for a new job. It was the typ­i­cal Google hiring-process siege; I talked to six or eight peo­ple over the course of the day. At least half of them asked me “Native vs Web apps on mo­bile; what do you think?”

I think about it all the time. And I talk to de­vel­op­ers all the time so I think I know what they’re think­ing. Thus this piece, which goes on and on and on but that’s OK, blog­ging is for long-form pieces! In­cludes a case study with screen­shot­s. Dis­clo­sures · I’m a Web guy. The Web has pro­vid­ed me with a steady pay­check since 1994, and there’ve been a cou­ple of ex­tra pay­days along the way. What Do You Mean by “Web”? I’m not go­ing to ar­gue in this space about REST or URIs or HTTP be­cause I don’t see any­one want­ing to take the oth­er side. I’m pedan­tic enough to be a lit­tle ir­ri­tat­ed by the com­mon “Web vs Native” us­age. But these aren’t a big deal in the big pic­ture. Cross-platform? What do you think? Weekly Edition for April 28, 2011.

ABS: The guts of Android By Jake EdgeApril 27, 2011 In a fairly fast-paced talk, Karim Yaghmour presented the internals of Android systems at the Android Builders Summit. The talk focused on things like Android's application development model, the parts and pieces that make it up, and its startup sequence. It gave an overall picture of a system that is both familiar and not. Yaghmour is the lead author of Building Embedded Linux Systems and has done Linux kernel development along the way. He developed the original Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT) in 1999, which has since been taken over by another École Polytechnique de Montréal graduate, Mathieu Desnoyers, as LTT next generation (LTTng).

Desnoyers is "doing a much better job" with it than he did, he said with a chuckle. Android internals For example, there is no "entry point" to an application for Android. Android also uses messages called "intents" that are sent between components. Android startup Comments (26 posted) Using Marble 1.1 The code.