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Lecture 1 | Programming Methodology (Stanford) School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere. Stanford School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere. YouTube U: The Power Of Stanford's Free Online Education. If "Occupy X" is about protesting jagged inequalities, are we due to see "Occupy The Ivy’s" anytime soon?

Tuition hikes and rising student debt are conspiring to make post-secondary education more wretchedly expensive every day. At least Stanford shouldn’t lose sleep worrying about encampments. This fall, it’s home to a radical experiment that involves putting three classic engineering classes entirely online, for anyone in the world, for free. Whether it’s an economically smart move for the university is unclear. But the program is a stunning experiment in both distance learning--and in broadening higher ed’s reach to the other 99%.

In the late summer, professors leading three traditional Stanford classes--an introduction to AI, to databases and to machine learning--decided to offer their classes online for free to anyone in the world. Professor Andrew Ng is teaching machine learning; professor Jennifer Widom is serving up an introduction to database management.