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StockTwits& - Share Investing Ideas and Learn from Professional Investors. Tutorials. Ponzimonium After Bernard Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi scheme was revealed, many new (smaller-scale) Ponzi schemers became exposed.


Ponzimonium ... Quarterly Earnings Report A quarterly filing made by public companies to report their performance. Included in earnings reports are items such as net ... The 10 Best Games for Learning About the Stock Market. Much like skydiving, playing the stock market is not an activity you want to learn through your mistakes.

The 10 Best Games for Learning About the Stock Market

Fortunes are made and lost all the time by people who think (or thought) they had a handle on stock trading. If you have a few million you can afford to lose, or you're investing with someone else's money (you're a bank, in other words), by all means, jump right in. But for the other 99%, we recommend simulating the experience of stock market investing first, to learn what to do and not do with your hard-earned cash. Here are the 10 best games to help you do that. Investing Simulator Center.

In Graphics: What Is a Stock?