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HINDUSTAN PAPER MACHINERY INDUSTRIES : : : Woodware: Handmade Paper Plant. Back in the 1970's I build a handmade paper plant for the Haight Ashbury Free Medical Clinic.

Woodware: Handmade Paper Plant

The project was intended to use small businesses to help people in drug rehabilitation. Here are a few pictures and ideas from that project. The key piece of equipment was a Hollander Beater that converts small pieces of cloth into paper pulp. David Reina Designs Beaters. The Reina beater is a traditional style beater whose design harks back to the paper beaters made in Holland in the 1600’s.

David Reina Designs Beaters

It is made entirely from non-corrosive materials including, stainless steel, bronze, and brass to help produce archival quality pulp. The machine is designed such that the roll is always held at a perfect parallel distance from the bedplate. This avoids misalignment and provides efficient beating. The bedplate is stationary, and the roll moves up and down to vary the beating action on the pulp. We offer three sizes of traditional Hollander beaters for the beating needs of private studios, schools and small production mills. Twinrocker Handmade Paper. Lee S. McDonald, Inc. Molino de papel - El Molino Holands. Manejo y Transporte del Papel - $ 6000.00. HISTORIA DE UN PLIEGO DE PAPEL DE J. PIZZETTA ESPAA - $ 4200.00.

Manual del Fabricante de Papel, Costa Coll, Bosch - $ 12000.00. EMPAPELARTE - Invitaciones, Papel Hecho a Mano, Papel Semilla, Invitaciones Para Boda, Sobres Para Invitaciones, Invitacion Para XV Años, Boda, Participaciones, Partes Matrimoniales, Casamiento, Matrimonio, Papel Rustico, Diseño De Invitaciones, Lacre, La.