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SeDiCI - Repositorio de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Taller de grabado y experimentacion. Building an etching press. I'm a little uncomfortable right now as this is my first post here, but another user has encouraged me. I am a long-time (part time) fine art photographer -- photographing and working in the darkroom for more than 40 years -- but I have turned to printmaking in the last year.

I have never had a lot of money, so I have built almost all my own equipment -- including my own cameras and darkroom equipment. I could not even begin to afford purchase of an etching press, so I decided to build one from scratch. I have developed reasonable machining skills from having built the cameras, etc., so I designed and built the thing from complete scratch (with my own two hands - no outside labor or services involved) from "scrap" raw materials which I collected slowly over a half a year. The bed of the finished press is 24" wide, and it is 34" long overall. It is made (mostly) of 3/4" aircraft aluminum (6061), though some parts are heavier. The upper roller is 3.5" diameter; the lower is 2.9" diameter. The Press Showcase. Etching Press Design - Part 1 - | SmugMug. Portal Docentes DuocUC. Bienvenido a Flickr!

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