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Everystockphoto - searching free photos. The online royalty free public domain clip art - vector clip art online, royalty free & public domain. Free graphics and sounds for your game! I recently needed to refresh my math a bit in order to detect the intersection of a line and a rectangle, or a line and a point. For everything so far, I had been using rectangular bounding boxes and simply using the standard built-in Rectangle .Intersects() functionality: if (bullets[i].Rect.Intersects(zombie.Rect)) zombie.alive = false; bullets[i].alive = false; player1.score += 1; //chance for ammo drop bool dropAmmo = (random.NextDouble() > 0.9); if (dropAmmo) SpawnPickupable(zombie.position, Vector2.Zero, PickupableType.Ammo); break; if (bullets[i].Rect.Intersects(enemy.Rect)) { enemy.alive = false; bullets[i].alive = false; //...}

This worked well, but with a new laser weapon I wanted to test for the collision between a line and a rectangle. Given a line segment AB, and a point p... A) Find the point on the line segment nearest to the point p B) Calculate the distance between the nearest point and p. Free Game Assets ‹ Iron Star Media Ltd. Game Artwork - Jesse Freeman - Microsoft Technology Evangelist Focusing On Windows 8 Game Development.