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30 Striking 3D Text in Photoshop Tutorials. Adobe Photoshop has long been the buzzword in the realms of digital imaging and design. This is the tool of choice for Web designers, graphic designers, photographers and 3D artists. Expertise in Photoshop are synonymous with professional excellence. The latest Photoshop edition, CS5, introduces breakthrough capabilities for superior image selections, image retouching, realistic painting, and 3D extrusions. Now you can create 3D logos and artwork with greater ease and precision. Most of you are probably familiar with applications used to create 3D designs. But what if you don’t have any software developed specifically for creating 3D text?

Extreme Lighting Fire Elegant & Glassy Trees Milk Blocks Cooper Valentine’s Day PSD Tuts Occean Kaboom Exploding Earth Graffiti Hell Unique 3D 3D Logo Spectacular Flaming Metal Nightclub Simple 3D Shade Splash Papercraft Explosion Fresh Type Effect Stylish Retro Grunge Flowery Smoke Oasis. Create an Elegant Wordpress Theme – Photoshop Graphic Design Tutorial 12. In Category: Intermediate Photoshop Tutorials I have had this web design Photoshop tutorial for an elegant WordPress theme in mind for quite sometime now, so I got things together and finally finished the article. You will be designing this WordPress theme from scratch with Photoshop.

Every Photoshop icon, pattern, tool, and preset will be listed, and hopefully you can come out with the same results as long as you follow my walk-through. So let’s get started on this elegant WordPress theme using Photoshop. Tools and resources that you will need: - Oranment Brush Set - Oranment Brush Set II - Helvetica Neu Bold Font - RSS Icon Have these tools ready and installed because you will be using them throughout the tutorial.

Once you have created the layer, apply the following gradient settings in Layer > Layer Style Settings. Results so far Now let’s add some text to our header. It’s navigation time. Pattern (Credit to Squid Fingers) Results Add some dummy text to fill up the navigation. WordPress Photoshop tutorials | Design strike. 40+ Best Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Buttons and Badges. Creating Buttons and Badges in Adobe Photoshop is easy. There are different kinds of tutorials related in making buttons and badges on the web that can help enhance your photoshop skills. We collected some of the best sources so you can bookmark them in a single place. This post will teach you how to create your own buttons and badges for your website and more.

Throughout these tutorials, you will use your Marquee Tool, Shape Tool and Gradient Tool most of the time. Here are the 40+ Best Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Buttons and Badges you need to learn. Clean and Shining Button for Your Website in Photoshop This tutorial will show you the method on how to create a stylish, clean and shining button for your website in Photoshop. Photoshop tutorial website pill button icon design in photoshop This tutorial will show you how to create Photoshop tutorial website pill button icon design in photoshop.

Vista Styled Button Creating buttons in Photoshop Designing Glossy (Web 2.0) Badges Ads. - Free Animated Flash Buttons Menu Generator. Dreamweaver Tutorials. CSS Tutorials: CSS Lists, CSS Navigation Bar, CSS Menus, Navigation Menus, Lists, Unordered List Items, Ordered Lists, Horizontal, Vertical, Nested, Drop-down, Dropdown, Tabbed, Tabs, Rollovers, Mouseovers, Nav Bars, Style, Cascading Style Sheets Tutorial. CSS Tutorials, Articles, and Tips, Page 3 Lists, Menus, Navigation, and Rollovers The CSS Menus Tutorials and Articles Tutorials section below has links to helpful CSS tutorials on creating CSS menus, CSS navigation tutorials and tips, styling lists, and related. Within the other CSS Tutorials and Articles pages you'll find tutorials on CSS layouts and positioning, CSS articles and general CSS tutorials, and tutorials on centering with CSS, style sheets for print, how to use CSS shorthand properties, styling links with CSS, and more.

IE7 CSS Hacks, IE8 CSS Bugs, Bug Fixes, Solutions: Wondering what to expect with CSS and Internet Explorer 8? Want some information about conditional comments? Looking for IE7 CSS hacks? Going nuts with a browser problem with your CSS? On this page: Also within CSS Tutorials: Also within CSS - Cascading Style Sheets: The Basics of Lists with HTML and CSS, Basic Techniques The Basics of Lists with CSS Nested List Items and CSS top ‘On this page’ menu. CSS Tutorials: CSS Lists, CSS Navigation Bar, CSS Menus, Navigation Menus, Lists, Unordered List Items, Ordered Lists, Horizontal, Vertical, Nested, Drop-down, Dropdown, Tabbed, Tabs, Rollovers, Mouseovers, Nav Bars, Style, Cascading Style Sheets Tutorial.

CSS Tutorials, Articles, and Tips, Page 3 Lists, Menus, Navigation, and Rollovers The CSS Menus Tutorials and Articles Tutorials section below has links to helpful CSS tutorials on creating CSS menus, CSS navigation tutorials and tips, styling lists, and related. Within the other CSS Tutorials and Articles pages you'll find tutorials on CSS layouts and positioning, CSS articles and general CSS tutorials, and tutorials on centering with CSS, style sheets for print, how to use CSS shorthand properties, styling links with CSS, and more. IE7 CSS Hacks, IE8 CSS Bugs, Bug Fixes, Solutions: Wondering what to expect with CSS and Internet Explorer 8? Want some information about conditional comments? Looking for IE7 CSS hacks? Going nuts with a browser problem with your CSS? On this page: Also within CSS Tutorials: Also within CSS - Cascading Style Sheets: The Basics of Lists with HTML and CSS, Basic Techniques The Basics of Lists with CSS Nested List Items and CSS top ‘On this page’ menu.

Project Seven: Dreamweaver Menus, CSS Templates, Widgets, Slide Shows, Tooltips, and More. Web Designer Wall - Design Trends and Tutorials. Free Web Templates | CSS Website Templates, Flash Templates. Templates | psdGraphics. Grunge Textures « Mind Shift. Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news - CNET. Infoarena - comunitate informatica, concursuri de programare. Cursuri UPB Automatica si Calculatoare. Mă numesc Andrei și sunt absolvent al Facultății de Automatică și Calculatoare, din cadrul Universității Politehnica din București, promoția 2009, secția Calculatoare, si absolvent al unui master de securitatea retelelor in 2011. Am creat acest site pentru cei care merg sau urmează să meargă pe urmele mele, la Calculatoare și Tehnologia Informației.

Am inclus aici aproape toate materialele utile adunate din timpul facultății și dacă ești unul dintre cei care s-au decis să urmeze această facultate, sper ca ceea ce vei găsi aici să îți fie de folos. De asemenea, dupa cum se poate vedea si aici, am incercat sa actualizez, pe cat posibil, informatiile din acest site si dupa absolvire. Dacă vrei să știi cum e la Facultatea de Automatică și Calculatoare, citește acest articol. Ceea ce vei găsi aici sunt fie materiale publice, ce au fost puse la dispoziția tuturor studenților, fie materiale create de mine sau de către prietenii mei.

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