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How to clean a Boar Bristle Brush – like new! « Just Primal Things. How to clean a Boar Bristle Brush – like new! Posted on Updated on BEFORE: This is 1 week of brushing “water-only” hair. Note the sebum buildup. AFTER: I gave my brush a quick bath, and it’s like new! Follow the steps below to get the same results. One of the most essential ways to keep your hair healthy is to invest in a boar bristle hair brush, preferably one with 100% boar bristles (no nylon bristles).

What it does: A boar bristle brush (BBB) distributes your hair’s natural oils away from your roots and down to the ends of your hair. If you suffer from an oily scalp, dry ends, and/or frizzy hair, a BBB can be a complete game changer. Anyway, if you use a BBB, especially if you are “no poo” (no shampoo) or use the water-only rinse method like me, you know your BBB can get pretty gross, pretty fast. I give my brush a quick bath every week, and it cleans it like new every time. STEP 1: First things first, comb the hair and excess sebum off the brush. STEP 2: Prepare the brush bath. DONE. The Ultimate Water-Only Hair Washing Routine – [No Shampoo!] « Just Primal Things. The Ultimate Water-Only Hair Washing Routine – [No Shampoo!] Posted on Updated on I got fed up with the damaging effects of shampooing (aka stripping hair of its natural oils with harsh chemicals) and decided I wanted to take my hair to the next level by going shampoo-free. It was the greatest decision I ever made for my hair!

If you’re curious as to why I would make such a crazy decision, check out my other post about it. After deciding to stop using shampoo, I did a lot of research on which “no-poo” methods I should try. I tried honey-washing and co-washing with great results, and later transitioned into water-only. I’ve been water-only for over a month now and love it!! When I first heard about using just water to wash hair, I assumed it’d be a pretty grungy ordeal, but it’s actually an incredibly effective, simple, and rewarding method if done right.

How does it work? In my opinion, going water-only is the final step you can take in a shampoo-free journey. What you’ll need: A. B. C. Simple DIY Herbal Shampoo / conditioner that kicks no poo's butt | Healthy Vegas Vegan. I tried no-pooing with baking soda and then Castile soap and wasn’t thrilled with the results (see why here). So I experimented further and created the herbal hair wash I’m going to share with you today. But first find out why you should ditch commercial shampoo here. It started when I read this article on no more chemical hair care from Minimalist Beauty. I decided to use some of the herbs she recommends to make my own mix. And lo and behold, it worked. I’ve been using this hair wash for two months at about 2-3 washes per week.

I have thick hair that tends towards oily. What do I like about it? Plus it was easy to make and I felt like an old-school witch stirring a potion when I did it. Here are the herbs I used. Instructions: Mix together equal parts of each ingredient, e.g. 1 Tbsp each*.Stir in hot water to make a paste – not too thin that it all runs out of your hair but not too thick that it’s hard to spread. Concerns debunked Where to find ingredients Now your turn. Simply Natural: No Shampoo Tips for Your Healthiest Hair Ever! DIY no-‘poo alternative shampoos & conditioners | almost exactly.

As we know, no-‘poo can be pretty difficult to master. i did “no-‘poo week” in hopes i’d help a lot of people. but there’s still one huge thing i wanted to address & publish… for some people, baking soda/acv isn’t the route to go. neither is castile soap. but what do you do when those no-‘poo methods don’t work for your hair, but you don’t wanna go low-‘poo? Try these homemade alternatives i’ve gathered up! These do require more time, but you should be washing your hair much less, so no big deal, right? :) as with any no-‘poo/low-‘poo method, there is a transition period when you first switch from regular shampoo/conditioner. and with these following recipes, using hair products is not advised since there’s nothing in these mixes that will clean the products back out of your hair. also, these methods won’t lather (unless you add soapwort). that doesn’t mean it’s not getting your hair clean!

Also also, these mixes are okay for both hard and soft water. lemon shampoo hibiscus shampoo raw honey. 10 Ways to Wash Your Hair Without Shampoo. I have been washing my hair without shampoo for the past 3 years. Once I tried baking soda I never looked back to shampoo. Unlike many people I didn't have any problems adjusting and from day one of baking soda my hair looked healthy and clean. If you are wondering why I stopped buying shampoo, you can read more about the toxic chemicals in it and decide for yourself. My routine with baking soda is as follows: I dissolve 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 cup of lukewarm water and then, in the shower I pour carefully the mixture with one hand while I massage the hair and scalp with the other.

Edit: Since I wrote this post I have learned the hard way that baking soda is extremely detrimental to hair. To finish the procedure, in another cup I have 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar mixed with water. To avoid the smell of the vinegar, I put a pinch of dry rosemary. I also stopped blow-drying my hair and I am quite happy with the acquired elasticity and vitality of my hair.