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INDIAN DEMOCRACY: THE ARREST OF STUDENT ACTIVISTS. Indian Democracy: India is supposed to be a “democratic” country where people have “freedom of speech and expression”.


With time, however, there is a rejection of almost all the ideals of our constitution by the oppressive government. Sattriya Nritya - Classical Dance of India. I often asked what kind of dance form “Sattriya” is when I tell people that am professionally trained in it.

Sattriya Nritya - Classical Dance of India

To that, I have always had two reactions, based on my fluctuating level of tolerance. Somedays I get startled because of one’s lack of knowledge about a dance form, as graceful and elegant as any other dance form like Bharatnatyam or Kathak, and on some other days, I feel happy because at least, people are trying to know. Nonetheless, I answer. The Role of Women in Development. In the book, “The Contemporary Indian Women’s Movement” The author, Radha Kumar, tries to elaborate on the maturity and growth of women movement. The mixed experience of the campaigns against dowry and rape lead to feminists rethinking many strategies. The discovery that there little and a faulty connection between the enactment and implementation of laws left many feeling bitter that the government had easily side-tracked their demands by enacting legislations.

This questioning strengthened decisions to take up individual cases and follow them through the intricacies of courts. On the other hand, feminists began to move away from earlier methods of agitation. Importance Of Saree in Indian Culture. History Saree might be a fashionable garment now, but it started humble drape used by women thousands of years ago.

Importance Of Saree in Indian Culture

The first mention of this garment was in the sacred Hindu texts and epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana, but historians believe that the history of saree actually starts much before that. They have found evidence of saree like garments being worn thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations. Saree can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilisation, which came into being during 2800–1800 BC in North-West India.

Demasculinization of men’s wardrobe in India - Shouts. Dressing gender fluid is not new to India.

Demasculinization of men’s wardrobe in India - Shouts

Demasculinization From donning a Sabyasachi Mukherjee ensemble of a polka-dot shirt teamed with multi-hued stripe pants to slaying suits with pleated skirts, Ranveer Singh, a Bollywood actor, has managed to open a whole new dimension in Indian’s men’s fashion. MENS Wear For sustainable fashion designer Chanchal Badsiwal, Demasculinization this trend is yet one more page from the rich Indian culture. “As a country, we are so diverse. In India, wearing colours is a part of the culture. Many call men who prefer feminine clothing styles as “gay”. Anti gay culture Males are under immense pressure to present themselves as hypermasculine. Referring to men as gay in a derogatory way is not only offensive to gay men, but in a sweeping statement also assigns a negative association with anything feminine. Discrimination Take for instance Delhi-based art curator Himanshu Verma aka Sari Man, who has been wearing the six-yard drape for more than a decade.

ChallengeAccepted: MEANING BEHIND THIS VIRAL INTERNET TREND. Challenges The hashtag Challenge accepts around THIS VIRAL INTERNET TREND, and used to promote cancer awareness, as well as spread positivity, and is now used to raise awareness about femicides and domestic violence in Turkey.


While the precise origin of this trend and its ensuing popularity is a grey area — some say it’s a response to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s viral speech against sexist remarks levelled at her by Rep. Ted Yoho, others, like travel reporter Tariro Mzezewa, have linked it to womxn in Turkey speaking out against domestic violence — one aspect of the challenge is very black-and-white: the images themselves.

78 years since the Quit India Movement. Quit India Movement: Gandhi Ji arrested However, the British administration reacted promptly and arrested Gandhi and all members of the Congress Working Committee.

78 years since the Quit India Movement

The Bharat Chhodo Andolan or the August Kranti of 1942 became a swan-song of British rule in India in the history of the Independence struggle. At that time, the Indian Tricolour hoisted by Aruna Asaf Ali in the Gowalia Tank Maidan proudly. The Indian Tricolor hoisted for the first time. Once the arrests became known, people began to rise against the British in a civil rebellion that saw the administration breakdown in many parts. However, it is important to note that the “Quit India” slogan is credited to another Congress leader, Yusuf Meherally, who is said to have come up with the phrase at a meeting of associates of Gandhi in Mumbai some time prior to the launch of the movement. By 1944, large portions of the country were peaceful.

Though the movement suppressed, the British stunned at how widespread. The Dark Side of Social Media Trolling. Social Media Trolling Social Media Trolling is an online phenomenon that individuals may experience without necessarily knowing what it is.

The Dark Side of Social Media Trolling

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign: An Attempt to Social Empowerment. Beti Bachao Beti Padhao: All human beings form this society and are its creators, give shape to it and are the reason for its existence.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Campaign: An Attempt to Social Empowerment

In spite of this, women are still fighting for equal rights in this society till today. ELEMENTARY FORMS OF RELIGIOUS LIFE - Shouts. Elementary forms of religious life: “If religion has given birth to all that is essential in society, it is because the idea of society is the soul of religion.”


Establish the fact that religion was not ordained and was in fact a product of society. 2. The common things religion placed an emphasis upon, as well as effects those religious beliefs lives of all in society. After understanding the origin of religion, Durkheim argued that religion acted as the foundation of solidarity and identification for the individuals in a society, especially as a fragment of mechanical solidarity systems, and to a lesser, but still significant extent in the context of organic solidarity.

Importance to LIfe. Cross Culture Exploration - Shouts. Colonial Masculinities: One of the most important areas of research in gender and postcolonial studies, because this contour of exploration of gendered, race, and class dynamics of nationalism, and also provides opportunities to challenge hegemonic structures.

Cross Culture Exploration - Shouts

In theorizing the production of masculinities, remember that an interplay between power and structure creates hegemonies. Questions around representations are central to an understanding of postcolonial masculinities. Is Masculinity in Crisis? - Fantasies, Myths and Realities. Of late, there has been a wave of media coverage about the crisis of masculinity. At the beginning of the 21st century, difficult to avoid that men are in serious trouble. Throughout the world, developed and developing, antisocial behavior is male. because men who at one point knew of their role providers for the family found the role diminished in recent years. Silence, Object, Subject: Sexuality and India - Shouts. Sexuality and India India as a political domain, and the concept of sexuality, because political objects contested. so, in respect of caste, class, and gender as noted, but one of the ways in which this has occurred. example where sexuality conceived silenced or absent within Indian public culture because sexuality has often approached as an indirect object male conceived as a counter-point to the heteronormative orientations but this silencing and indirection can connect to preoccupations with celibacy an example of a way in which the sexual, as a regional object, etc.

Akhil Katyal explores similar work on homosocial bonding where he describes laundebaazi . Goal. Pride Against Prejudice: India and Sexuality - Shouts % Pride Against Prejudice Cases case 1: Anjali Arondekar (2009) Has examined the colonial archive in India as having suppressed homoerotic texts; whereas recovering these from a state of loss and obfuscation. MY NEIGHBOR TOTORO: A REVIEW. My Neighbor Totoro Japanese animation tends to focus more on realistic settings and less on movement characters almost always have disproportionately large eyes; but proportional bodies facial expressions are simplified and anime frequently uses classic film techniques such as panning and zooming etc. This film tells us the importance of having a connection to the natural world; and draws heavily on classic Japanese woodcut traditions. “My Neighbor Totoro excellent animistic beliefs, also practice generally and other major religions, Buddhism O-Jizo statues present when girls frightened.”

Tonario no Totoro Tonario no Totoro so is entirely hand-drawn animation because it allows detailed artwork for elements relatively static. This separates the elements into two groups: The simplified. Past and Present: Public and Private : India and Sexuality - Shouts % Off Page SEO - Benefits & Techniques. "Off-page SEO" (also called "off-site SEO") refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). Off-page SEO is about everything that doesn’t happen directly on your website.