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Foundations Course Slides. Cutting-edge CSS features for Graphics - CSS Blend Modes, CSS Masking and CSS Shapes. This slide deck is meant to be used in a controlled environment. It demonstrates some cutting-edge CSS features which this browser does not fully support. Read the instructions on how to setup that environment and get the full experience. CSS Blend Modes, Masking and Shapes Razvan Caliman / @razvancaliman Adobe Web Platform Team Overview CSS Blend Modes CSS Masking CSS Shapes Background Blending Blend modes normal screen multiply overlay darken lighten color-dodge color-burn hard-light soft-light difference exclusion hue saturation color luminosity Element Blending Scratch CSS Blend Modes Status W3C Candidate Recommendation - Adobe, Canon clipping vs masking clip-path: circle(25% at 50% 50%); clip-path: ellipse(50% 40% at 50% 50%); clip-path: polygon(nonzero, 955px 405px, 483px 212px, 1px 400px, 0px 500px, 956px 500px); Clipping with SVG Masking Masking with SVG CSS Masking Status W3C Working Draft - Adobe, Mozilla, Google CSS Shapes.

TLDRLegal - Software Licenses Explained in Plain English. Ux. Edgehero.js. The purpose of the edgehero extension library is to simplify and improve your workflow while you are working on an Adobe Edge Animate project. By removing the need to write a lot of code to implement popular features, it will allow you to save time and get your project published in record time. Edgehero.js supports centering, forms/inputs, html5 video,html5 audio, menus, canvas, youtube/vimeo embeding, 3D rotate including 3dcubes, slideshows, and a lot more! Simple, just add a class to a rectangle(div). Example for centering: add class "center" to the rectangle and it will be centered. It's that easy! Usability Testing | Marketing Zeus. Social Learning / Course management. OpenSource. Bullgit - serving finest shit since 2013.