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Beware of -webkit-text-size-adjust:none. The other day I came a cross a website with text too small for me to read it comfortably. I hit Command-Plus a couple of times to make Safari bump up the text size a bit… and nothing happened. What? After some investigation of the CSS used on the site the culprit turned out to be the following CSS (don’t use): What that does is prevent WebKit-based browsers from resizing text. Not even full page zoom resizes the text. Now, how can preventing your users from resizing text be a good idea?

According to Apple’s Safari CSS Reference (JavaScript required), -webkit-text-size-adjust Specifies a size adjustment for displaying text content in Safari on iOS. When given a value of “none”, the documentation specifies that The text size is not adjusted. Well, on my desktop Mac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard, no WebKit-based browser (tested in Safari, Chrome, OmniWeb, iCab, and the latest WebKit nightly build) adjusts text size when this property is set, so this does not apply only to Safari on iOS. Responsive Web Design. Window open() Method. Stone Coast Web Design Blog - Using a jQuery Modal Popup and jQuery Cookie. Dialog. Using cookies to show an alert on the first visit. This script uses cookies to show a lightbox message the first time someone visits the page.

The message appears in a modal window (using Thickbox) that can be dismissed, and will stay hidden during the current browser session. Play it again? Code The script does the following: creates two cookie functions called createCookie and readCookie creates a function to show the popup looks for a cookie called mypopup if it’s absent: shows a modal window sets a cookie called mypopup The popup content comes from a hidden div on the page, but it could also be pulled in from a separate file. See the Thickbox documentation for details. <script type="text/javascript"> //<! References The createCookie(), readCookie() and eraseCookie() functions used here are from Peter-Paul Koch.

Jquery - How to invoke simplemodal with onclick inline. SVG Tutorial. Jquery - How to invoke simplemodal with onclick inline. Alert MSG (once) message script. Learn SVG: Chapter 10 ; Scripting the SVG DOM - Learn SVG : Tutorials, Maps, Books. Chapter 10 Scripting the DOM Extract Touching Elements Since we can look at the computer mouse as the elongated arm of the user, mouse events play a big role in design for interactivity. Figure 10-8. Rectangles with events While focusing on events I chose a simple SVG document. 1. The following code defines our five rectangles <! All of these rectangles are child elements of a common group and have the opacity style attribute defined with a value of 0.4. Highlighting So let’s start with the leftmost blue rectangle, labelled highlight, adding appropriate event properties. 1.

Thanks to the Event object’s target property we get access to <rect> element that received the event. Figure 10-9. . ( test this svg ) Now, if we want to give the other rectangles the same behaviour, we must add these onmouseover and onmouseout event properties to them also. 4. Trying this out verifies that our considerations were correct.

Changing Color 6. Figure 10-10. . ( test this svg ) Getting Invisible 7. 8. Figure 10-11. 9. Mouseover effects in SVGs. In this tutorial I'll describe five different methods to achieve a mouseover effect in an SVG. I'll start with the simplest and most limited approach (CSS), and work up to the most complex, but most flexible approach (Javascript/ECMAScript, which is described in more detail here). To view the full code for any of examples in this post, right click on an image and chose View Frame Source or something similar, depending on your browser. For further information see: Example SVG SVGs seem to be an increasingly popular way of adding high quality, interactive images to the web. <? The simplest way to get a mouseover effect is to use the hover effect with CSS styling.

CSS within SVG works just as with HTML, so we can get more specific effects by using different selectors. If you can get away with just using CSS, I'd recommend it, but there are some limitations: Onmouseover events A more targeted approach is to add a function directly into the <rect> element. Set attributeName ECMAScript JavaScript. Issue 13 - svgpan - 1.2.2 broken in Firefox when using Viewport (fix included) - A JavaScript library to zoom, drag and pan SVG images. Creating a simple PHP forum tutorial. PHP Tutorials MySQL Creating a simple PHP forum tutorial Learn to create forum step by step, in this tutorials use only simple php code but powerful. Overview In this tutorial, create 5 files 1. create_topic.php 2. add_topic.php 3. main_forum.php 4. view_topic.php 5. add_answer.php Steps 1. Create table name "forum_question" and "forum_answer" in database "test". 2.

If you don't know how to create database and table read this tutorial STEP1: Set up database Create database "test" and create 2 tables "forum_question" and table "forum_answer" Table forum_question CREATE TABLE `forum_question` ( `id` int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, `topic` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', `detail` longtext NOT NULL, `name` varchar(65) NOT NULL default '', `email` varchar(65) NOT NULL default '', `datetime` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '', `view` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', `reply` int(4) NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ; STEP2: Create file create_topic.php <?

Similar Post. Ajax/Php Chat Tutorial. Text-rendering - CSS. Summary The text-rendering CSS property provides information to the rendering engine about what to optimize for when rendering text. The browser makes trade-offs among speed, legibility, and geometric precision. The text-rendering property is an SVG property that is not defined in any CSS standard. However, Gecko and WebKit browsers let you apply this property to HTML and XML content on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. One very visible effect is: optimizeLegibility, which enables ligatures (ff, fi, fl etc.) in text smaller than 20px for some fonts (for example, Microsoft's Calibri, Candara, Constantia and Corbel or the DejaVu font family).

Syntax Formal grammar: auto | optimizeSpeed | optimizeLegibility | geometricPrecision text-rendering: auto text-rendering: optimizeSpeed text-rendering: optimizeLegibility text-rendering: geometricPrecision text-rendering: inherit Values auto optimizeSpeed The browser emphasizes rendering speed over legibility and geometric precision when drawing text. Examples. Programação | Programação sujeita a alteração sem aviso prévio. Quinta-feira, 18 de outubro as 14:00. Luli Radfahrer é Ph.D. em comunicação digital pela ECA-USP, de onde também é professor há mais de dez anos. Trabalha com internet desde 1994, quando fundou a Hipermídia, uma das primeiras agências de comunicação digital do país, hoje parte do grupo Ogilvy.

Saiu em 96 para fundar seu estúdio, onde atendeu AlmapBBDO, MTV, FIAT, Leo Burnett, VISA, Volkswagen e Camargo Corrêa. Em 99 foi para a StarMedia de Nova York assumir a Vice-Presidência de Conteúdo. De volta, criou a, divisão digital da agência de propaganda DPZ. Em 2002 trabalhou em Londres, com projetos de TV Interativa e comunicação wireless.

Quinta-feira, 18 de outubro as 16:30 Mesa redonda: “HTML5 é um erro!” Edney Souza – @interney Formado em Processamento de Dados pela Universidade Mackenzie, com pós-graduação em Tecnologia da Informação Aplicada a Negócios pela FASP, trabalha no mercado de tecnologia desde 1990. Edu Agni – @eduagni. Zooming via HTML5 Canvas Context. HTML5 Canvas Scale a Drawing with Plus and Minus Buttons. Pan + Zoom HTML5 canvas grid with pinned first column. Zoom Canvas to Mouse Cursor. Mouseover effects in SVGs. In this tutorial I'll describe five different methods to achieve a mouseover effect in an SVG. I'll start with the simplest and most limited approach (CSS), and work up to the most complex, but most flexible approach (Javascript/ECMAScript, which is described in more detail here). To view the full code for any of examples in this post, right click on an image and chose View Frame Source or something similar, depending on your browser.

For further information see: Example SVG SVGs seem to be an increasingly popular way of adding high quality, interactive images to the web. The simplest way to get a mouseover effect is to use the hover effect with CSS styling. CSS within SVG works just as with HTML, so we can get more specific effects by using different selectors. If you can get away with just using CSS, I'd recommend it, but there are some limitations: Onmouseover events A more targeted approach is to add a function directly into the <rect> element.

Set attributeName ECMAScript JavaScript. SVG Rendering Engine - Issues. Problem while rendering empty lines while reading SVG document if the first text line is empty it wont render any image. cause while poping the element out of stack if the value length is 0 it breaks and rest of the thing is skippe... Id #20935 | Release: None | Updated: Thu at 2:04 PM by narinderparmar | Created: Thu at 2:02 PM by narinderparmar Intermittent (but frequent!) Empty SvgDocument after SvgDocument.Open Hello I'm developing a web application which helps defining diagrams from svg basic shapes. Id #20753 | Release: None | Updated: Feb 21 at 2:24 PM by wasp | Created: Feb 21 at 2:23 PM by wasp DashPattern value is not valid. Hi SvgDocument svgDoc = SvgDocument.Open(openSvgFile.FileName); svgDoc.Transforms = new SvgTransformCollection(); svgDoc.Transforms.Add(new SvgScale(2, 2)); ...

Id #20745 | Release: None | Updated: Feb 19 at 11:50 AM by shivanand_G | Created: Feb 19 at 11:50 AM by shivanand_G System.Security.SecurityException when called in IIS SVG.dll not converting wrapped text. Creating and Implementing Mobile SVG. Bella Robinson CSIRO Australia Mathematical and Information Sciences Division GPO Box 664, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia phone: +61 2 6216 7049 fax: +61 2 6216 7111 e-mail: Keywords: Mobile SVG; SVG Viewer; Pocket PC; WinCE The Mobile SVG profiles, SVG Basic and SVG Tiny, define XML grammars for describing resolution-independent two-dimensional graphics on mobile devices, such as cellular phones and personal digital assistants. Mobile SVG enables a large number of applications, such as location based services, mapping applications, animated picture messaging and industrial control to name a few.

However, when it comes to using and implementing Mobile SVG, there are a number of difficulties. How do you efficiently implement such a large specification on such a constrained device? A typical mobile phone has a small amount of memory and a slow processor. 1. 2. 2.1 Target platform and programming language Choice of programming language was not really an issue. Fig 1. 3.