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Recommended blogs and websites. Here are a range of useful websites for information on coaching and coach development.

Recommended blogs and websites

They are split into two sections. The first section is websites that have linked to or featured this blog. These websites, along with having good taste, will have related content and many link to a number of other useful websites and resources. Below these are other websites and blogs that I have come across that will be useful for coaches looking to grow and improve their effectiveness. I’ll keep adding to these over time. Featured Blogs. The Thermodynamics of Weight Loss. Imagine 10 of these on your belly There are diets and fads galore out there, with one gimmick vying for another to take your money.

The Thermodynamics of Weight Loss.

Such diets appeal to your desire to lose weight and your laziness to do it without effort: a quick and easy way to shed pounds, it is a big industry. Thermodynamics is part of Physical Chemistry and Conservation of Energy is a basic law. The only way to lose weight is to eat less (less fuel) and exercise more (burn fuel). Of course exercise is great for your health, but if you eat too much it is very difficult to burn off that excess fat by exercise alone. I will show this by working out how long it takes to burn off the energy from eating cookies that weight 100 grams (3.5 oz.) each. This means if you eat a cookie then when your body metabolizes it, 150 Calories of energy are produced. Physical Chemistry again: The food company takes the cookies; grinds them up; puts a known amount, says 100 grams, in a bomb calorimeter with excess oxygen; and burns them.

Curs tmefs. ED.FIZICA%20SI%20SPORT GRD.II. R Treinador. LECTIA DE EDUCATIE FIZICA. Exista mai multe criterii de stabilire a tipurilor de lectii in educatie fizica si sport.


Am sistematizat in felul urmator criteriile si tipologiile respective. The Science of Sport. Disciplina este problema – nu soluția! 7 Flares Facebook 7 7 Flares ×

Disciplina este problema – nu soluția!

Ghid managementul clasei pt pdf. Teacher's corner. Sports Coach Site Map - A to Z Page Index. This page contains an alphabetically sorted list of the pages on the Sports Coach website.

Sports Coach Site Map - A to Z Page Index

You can either browse the contents or select, from the alphabetical tabs below, the required list to review. Fitness Test List. Home > Fitness Testing > Tests > List Here is the complete listing of all fitness tests in the Topend Sports database, listed in alphabetical order with also the top 10 most popular tests for your convenience.

Fitness Test List

There are over 300 individual tests, with a few tests listed more than once in the list below to make them easier to find (e.g. the 20m multi-stage shuttle run test can also be found listed under beep test). You can also browse the alternative listing of tests under categories of fitness which you may find easier to locate specific types of tests, or use the search page to search all of this website. Psihologia copilului. Cresterea, dezvoltarea, educatia copilului. Medicina Sportiva - MedicinaSportiva.Ro Portalul Medicinei Sportive din Romania - Sport Medicine Romania. Sport si Sanatate. Sportscience. Revista MARATHON. - comunitatea online a cadrelor didactice.

Principiile Antrenamentului Sportiv. Pedagogie / Teze / CNAA. Mental Imagery > Dual Coding and Common Coding Theories of Memory. The Dual Coding Theory of memory was initially proposed by Paivio (1971) in order to explain the powerful mnemonic effects of imagery that he and others had uncovered, but its implications for cognitive theory go far beyond these findings.

Mental Imagery > Dual Coding and Common Coding Theories of Memory

It has inspired an enormous amount of controversy and experimental research in psychology, and played a very large role in stimulating the resurgence of scientific and philosophical interest in imagery. The more intricate details of Dual Coding Theory are beyond our scope here, but the core idea is very simple and intuitive. How to Build Your Creative Confidence. It’s a false construct to divide the world into the creatives and the non-creatives, says IDEO founder David Kelley.

How to Build Your Creative Confidence

He helps business people “turn fear into familiarity, and they surprise themselves. That transformation is amazing.” Image courtesy of Flickr user opensourceway. Learning theory - models, product and process. Photo by Antenna on Unsplash.

learning theory - models, product and process

Kurt lewin: groups, experiential learning and action research. Contents: introduction · life · field theory · group dynamics · democracy and groups · t-groups, facilitation and experience · action research · conclusion · further reading and references · links. see, also : the groupwork pioneers series Kurt Lewin’s (1890-1947) work had a profound impact on social psychology and, more particularly for our purposes here, on our appreciation of experiential learning, group dynamics and action research.

kurt lewin: groups, experiential learning and action research

Devierile comportamentale ale elevilor si combaterea lor - Blog. Devierile comportamentale ale elevilor şi combaterea lor Tema pe care v-o propun nu este deloc nouă. 16 strategii pt mentinerea disciplinei la clasa. Fii tu însăţi / însuţi. Insistă pe respectul faţă de ceilalţi(adulţi). Respectă elevii. MANAGEMENTUL CLASEI. TEHNICI DE MODIFICARE COMPORTAMENTALĂ APLICATE ÎN ŞCOALĂ.

Reuşita unei ore de curs depinde de comportamentul tuturor elevilor. De exemplu, dacă un elev balansează o carte pe cap şi clasa râde, comportamentul nu poate fi ignorat, deoarece va continua atâta timp cât colegii par interesaţi de ceea ce se întâmplă (chiar va încuraja şi pe alţii să imite gestul).