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Atomic 3D - St John Of God Hospital. Wien. Clients – Marc Lorenz. Allan McKay. Readtime: 20 minutes I’ve been hesitant to publish this, on many levels, and even writing it in a lot of ways has been difficult to look back at everything. My intent for this article is not to make a “my life” story, but more to point out certain pivotal moments that changed my life, and trickle in key bits of advice that can be applied to anyone’s career. Also. to demonstrate times of failure, self doubt, and pushing through it to success. My intention’s not to make this article “braggy” or “look at me now”. More (I hope) it inspires some of you who are at that tipping point of wondering if they should keep doing what you love, or if you should just give up. Even recently I have met people who are ‘in’ the industry but haven’t quite “made it” and are questioning themselves.

I’ve been asked so many of these type of questions recently, and also seen people close to me giving up on their dreams because of self doubt, or doubt of their friends or family. Going after the unattainable. Nutz Haus – Marc Lorenz. Welcome to 2G Studios. Wizualizacje architektoniczne, wnętrz • Oferta • Wizualizacje i Animacje 3D • 3D Visualization. Interiors - Konstantinos Anninos (annkos) Smashing Studio :: Portfolio. RIWOG Group by CREVO Immobilien Promotion. Plankton Group - Wizualizacje.