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Basic HTML: Introduction - Language because they needed something that started with "L" to finish HTML and Hypertext Markup Louie didn't flow correctly. Because it's a language, really -- but the language is plain English. Beginning to Write You will actually begin to write HTML starting with Primer #2. That's tomorrow if you follow the seven-day plan this was written for. Here, I want to tell you how you will go about the process. You will write the HTML document on the word processor, or Notepad, WordPad, or Simple Text. Now, some people who are already schooled in HTML are going to jump up and down and yell that you should be using an HTML assistant program because it makes it easier.

Let's get into the programs you will use to write your HTML document. The reason I am pushing NotePad, WordPad, and Simple Text is that they save in text-only format without your doing any additional work. The Word Processor When you write to the word processor you will need to follow a few steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. Uhhhhhh.... Ghidul Incepatorului in HTML. Bine ai venit pe pagina noastra de , despre si . Ce este HTML sau este unul dintre cele mai vechi limbaje de programare web. Acesta sta la baza crearii unui site web. Cu alte cuvinte, inainte de a invata alte limbaje de programare trebuie sa cunosti cel putin comenzile de baza din . Acest sir de este conceput pentru a-ti oferi putina experienta, pentru ca tu sa fi capabil sa citesti si sa scri in , sa poti salva corect documentele si sa poti, dupa aceea sa vizualizezi toata "osteneala" intr-un . Din pacate aceeasta pagina nu detine o rubrica pentru a te invata sa folosesti functiile de baza ale unui calculator, asa ca in acest sens poti sa ceri ajutorul unui prieten pentru a putea fii initiat in urmatoarele: - Sa stii ce este un notepad si cum se foloseste - Sa stii sa deschizi un fisier folosind (sau oricare alt browser la alegere) - Sa stii ce este si cum se face un copy/paste Prima pagina web Pentru inceput copiaza urmatorul in notepad.

Prima mea pagina web! - Internet Explorer - FireFox. HTML pe intelesul tuturor - curs online. Cu ajutorul limbajului HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) poti construi pagini web nu foarte pretentioase insa reprezinta un inceput pentru realizarea site-urilor profesionale. Sigur ca va trebui sa mai treaca ceva timp pana vei putea realiza pagini web complexe ca cele ale marilor firme, insa asa cum spuneam, invatarea limbajului HTML reprezinta un inceput. Scopul cursului HTML pe intelesul tuturor este de a explica, intr-un mod cat mai util si in acelasi timp placut, notiunile de baza ale limbajului HTML si odata cu acestea sa initieze viitorii cursanti in tehnica realizarii unei pagini web.

Pe parcursul acestui curs, vei gasi foarte multe exemple, iar in ultima lectie, folosind notiunile invatate, vom realiza impreuna site-ul unei gradinite particulare. Ce este limbajul HTML? HTML este prescurtarea de la Hypertext Markup Language, ceea ce reprezinta de fapt limbajul pe care browserele de internet il inteleg si cu ajutorul lui pot fi afisate paginile web. De ce trebuie sa invat HTML? Html tutorials. HTML Tutorial introduction to creating Basic HTML web page. Just a note - although this tutorial is geared towards those using Windows95/98/Me/2000/XP etc. and a modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, AOL, etc), the lessons contained in this tutorial are applicable to nearly anyone, no matter what you happen to be using.

Hello. My name is Joe and I'm going to give you a few simple lessons on how to make a Web Page. I must warn you though, this is for "all wet behinda ears" Newbies. If you're at all experienced at this sort of thing, you'll probably find this tutorial a bit of a yawner. You'll be happy to learn that it's really pretty simple. Let's get started. Another tool you'll need is a browser to view your web pages.

If you're using an online service such as America Online, MSN etc, you can still easily make a web page using these tutorials. With that out of the way I can say with confidence that you are less than 5 minutes away from making your first web page! Steve's PC Tutorials - HTML Exercises. These exercises start from basics and are suitable for people with no previous website design or programming experience. Experienced users may be able to skim over the first few exercises but it is recommended that they be completed in order. I've found from teaching experience that people who skips steps invariably have to come back later to pick up what they missed. All of the following documents are in PDF format. The numbers in brackets indicate file size. Contents & Intro (46kb)HTML Tags Reference - General reference recommended for people who already know the basics of HTML (46kb)Cascading Style Sheets Exercise - Exercise teaching more about CSS for people who are competent with general HTML (117kb) Exercise_files_1-4.exe (138kb) & Exercise_files_5-8.exe (18kb) - For the main HTML exercises.

Other HTML Resources HTML Colour Code Reference (Web document) Microsoft GIF Animator (305kb) - a basic utility for creating animated GIFs.