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The Most Important Code Isn't Code. Documentation is the single most important change I've made to my coding style in the last year. Documentation is Personal I'm not talking about injecting a few comments in front of confusing lines here and there. I'm talking about taking a firm, consistent view at how you document your methods, your classes, and your projects, and then sticking to that mentality. Documentation is mostly described as a way to communicate your thoughts to other developers, but honestly, other developers can eat it. Documentation is Clarity If you don't have an absolute clarity in the code you're pushing, it rears its head by way of bugs, confused coworkers, and slow code. I typically hate process. Writing the README first means you think about the end-product first. I feel similarly about TomDoc. You describe your method arguments, and you detail your response.

Documentation is Testable Documenting code in TomDoc has lead me to two big testing personal "breakthroughs", if you will. Documentation is Diffable. Higher Computing For Everyone - Learn Programming - Free Programming Classes Online. 5.2 More on N! And introducing trees. In this lesson we will continue learning about N! , and also I will introduce an important concept in computing: trees.

Important Announcement Lesson Transcript. In the last lessson we talked about factorials, and how they are useful to calculate the total number of possibilities in a situation where you have N possibilities, and upon each of those possibilities being realized you have one less. It is important for someone who wishes to be a programmer to be able to simplify concepts. For our tic tac toe board, we start with 9 possibilities. Whenever you start with one possibility and this leads to another, you can draw out a simple diagram for this just as we did in the last example.

Here we see a simple "one level deep" tree. Here, notice that we have a two-level deep tree. You should also be able to see *why* the concept of N! Trees are a common and important concept throughout higher computing. When you have finished this lesson, proceed to: C++ Tutorial (1) - Absolute n00b spoonfeed. School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere.

CS106A. Eric Roberts The art and science of java.rar - - online file sharing and storage - download. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008.