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Seven Surprising Uses for Baking Soda - Health. The kitchen spa. Help your skin survive unpredictable weather with these two essential steps: exfoliation and moisturization. Skin-cell buildup leads to dryness, poor circulation and blemishes. Exfoliation eliminates these dead cells, revealing fresh skin that is better able to absorb moisture. And guys, take note: While men’s skin tends to be oilier than women’s, men may be more prone to epidermal dehydration. Food: Avocado Purpose: Moisturizer The scoop: Loaded with vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as potassium and fat, avocado is the perfect moisturizer. This natural soother is ideal for mature and weather-worn skin, reducing roughness, cracking and irritation. Recipe: Take a spent avocado peel and using gentle upward strokes, lightly massage your face with the inside of the peel.

Food: Cucumber The scoop: Cucumbers contain compounds known to tighten pores and reduce inflammation, which is why they’re the classic choice for minimizing puffiness around the eyes. Food: Oatmeal Food: Peach Purpose: Exfoliant. For Instant Results | 7 Ways to Get Whiter Teeth. 5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen That Should Be In Your Hair. Baking soda should be in your hair if it has build-up. Let’s make a pact today.

You and me. From now on, when we have a beauty issue, we’ll look in the cabinets – first – before we run out and buy an expensive (or even bargain) product to fix us. And, I know, I know … there’s just something a little bit comforting about picking up a bottle of FancySchmancy-Make-You-Fabulous Potion; there’s some weird satisfaction in forking over your hard-earned money to feel hot.

But there’s a new and better feeling from fixing it yourself — by rummaging through your kitchen. And don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s easier or less time consuming to snag a product from the shelf. Now, I’m here to get you started with your tresses. When I say “5 Foods You Have In Your Kitchen,” I mean “5 Foods That Are Still Left In My Kitchen,” because my produce drawer is really bare right now.

At this point, I figure if I have these 5 things in my kitchen, you SURELY have them in yours. And we’re going to fix your hair. Soda.