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Broken Calculator. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. SketchUp. Problem Solving: Gr. 3-4. Problem Solving: Grades 3-4 These problems are designed for students in Grades 3-4: Gr. 3-4: Number Sense & Numerical Operations Animal Shelter requires students to use fractions to figure out how many cats and dogs were available for adoption at the animal shelter. Tadpoles and Frogs requires students to use fractions to figure out how many tadpoles and frogs there were in the tank.

The Good Weather problem uses positive and negative integers in a weather setting. The High Number Game problem requires students to compare fractions, decimals and percents. Ants Marching assesses student understanding of the concept of multiplication as arrays. Gr. 3-4: Geometry & Measurement Quilt Square Challenge: Students at Flynn School in Perth Amboy, NJ, used quilt blocks and quilt mats to recreate 4x4 and 9x9 quilt block patterns. Gr. 3-4: Patterns & Algebra Garage Sale is a pattern problem based on dominoes.

Gr. 3-4: Data Analysis & Probability Gr. 3-4: Discrete Math. Maths Olympiad for children - Maths World Cup. Digital Learning Objects. #Part-whole. Get Smart Maths Stage 2 Space & Measure. Scottish 2nd Level Bitesize Mathematics - Bamzooki.