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Disney Princesses In Accurate Period Costume. These are very beautiful drawings!

Disney Princesses In Accurate Period Costume

Although I am sad to see Belle looking so unlike herself. On a different note: I’d love to know what the reference was for the period costuming for each Princess. Given what I know about the stories, a lot of these seem a little inaccurate time period wise (I have no idea about the costumes other than that they look gorgeous): - As far as I know, the German “Snow White” was published in 1812 with the rest of the Grimm’s collected works; even her supposed ‘real’ influence lived in the 18th century. Earlier versions do exist, but with very significant differences, since this the Disney (and thus, Grimm) version we’re talking about, it seems odd to use the style of a much earlier period. - In reference to another comment: women of the Powhatan nation usually wore kneelength skirts, but oftentimes did not wear shirts at all (although higher status women did use deerskin to cover up, so Pocahontas may have done so too) .

Dry-Tech: The 20 Coolest Umbrellas You’ll Ever See. Dry-Tech: The 20 Coolest Umbrellas You’ll Ever See The invention of the umbrella can be traced back thousands of years, but never to one absolute source.

Dry-Tech: The 20 Coolest Umbrellas You’ll Ever See

It's use has been depicted in historical texts, images and carvings dating back millennia-- to ancient Rome, Egypt, China and the Middle East. Today, we may take this handy tool for granted. On the rainiest of days, what would you do if this tool was never created? To celebrate the value of the umbrella in modern life, here is TheCoolist's list of 20 amazing, creative and futuristic umbrellas that have taken this classic invention into wild new frontiers. The Pileus Internet Umbrella Projects the Web Ever noticed that the common texture of your typical umbrella canopy is not unlike a projector screen?

The "Umbuster" Brass Knuckles Umbrella Are YOU talking to ME? The LightDrops Rain-Powered Electric Umbrella. The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time. Plenty of people know George Washington as the father of our country, but few people know, (and this is, perhaps, more important), just how similar he was in behavior to the Incredible Hulk.

The 5 Most Badass Presidents of All-Time

Stay with us. As described by Thomas Jefferson, George Washington "was naturally irritable" and when his temper "broke its bonds, he was most tremendous in his wrath. " One time, in fact, he became "much inflamed [and] got into one of those passions when he cannot command himself. " Witnesses agreed that, after these sudden bursts of rage, Washington generally became calm and amiable again. Sound like anyone you know? Washington wasn't just a shirt-ripping comic book character waiting to happen, he was also an amazing general and, possibly, totally invincible. Though that isn't quite as catchy as "This is Sparta! " Greatest Display of Badassedry: Making America.

Checking Teddy Roosevelt's resume is like reading a How-To guide on ass-kicking manliness. The last thing you saw before a brutal ass-kicking.


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