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Environmentalism in the UAE

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Abu Dhabi's green move gathers pace. Abu Dhabi The UAE's response to global warming begins at home. Last month the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) launched a $5 billion initiative to establish the world's first totally green city in Abu Dhabi. The development extending over six square kil-ometres plans to achieve zero carbon dioxide emissions and zero waste and includes plans to invest $350 million in solar energy generation. The new city is scheduled for completion by late 2009, and comes as part of a series of projects adopted by the emirate recently to curb the greenhouse gas effect on the climate. Green Technology. Please support our site by enabling javascript to view ads.

Green Technology

ABU DHABI, U.A.E. — Inhabitants of this oil-rich desert nation have developed a ravenous appetite for luxury and novelty. They live in oversized villas on man-made islands shaped like palm fronds. They love gas-guzzling SUVs.

100 new 'green' schools planned for Abu Dhabi - The National New.