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How To See AURAs‬‏ Channeling Your Higher Self. You might think of channeling as something only gifted people can do.

Channeling Your Higher Self

You may imagine it involves bringing in a spiritual being, speaking in a strange voice, perhaps using a foreign language, etc. These would be extreme cases which typically involve going into an unconscious, or semi-conscious, trance state. However, you do not necessarily need to be in a special esoteric trance to channel. In fact, ordinary people do it without realizing... Perhaps you've experienced having a conversation where the other person goes off expressing a strong opinion that does not seem to fit with who you know that person to be...on a deep level. You yourself have probably channeled the energy of your parents and the energies of other people you're close to.

We all have the potential to channel pretty much anything, for better or worse... Down-sides In the New Age, channeling tends to be glamorized as a skill that makes you special. High Vibrations There are also up-sides to this phenonenom. Aura Dynamics in Relationship. Aura dynamics take place between you and other people, even when no words are spoken, nor any physical gestures made.

Aura Dynamics in Relationship

Psychic energy dynamics can also take place between you and another person when your physical bodies are far away from each other. Aura Position. Your aura position indicates how you are interacting with life.

Aura Position

Common positions are: out in front, out at the back, floating up above the body, and the centered aura. Generally you will favor one of these positions in particular. However, depending on what's going on in life, your aura position can change. For example, if you were running late and rushing to get to a very important probably would move your energy intensely forward and have your aura out in front of your body. If you ended up getting there a few minutes early, you would probably feel relieved and might allow your energy to return to it's normal position. While other variations are possible, the artistic representations below demonstrate four more common patterns... Aura Size. You can learn a lot about yourself from your aura size and patterns.

Aura Size

Auras can be large, small, absent, or healthy and balanced... Are you spreading yourself too thin? Are you holding yourself back? Are you being absent for your life? Or do you practice being present and balanced? A person will generally tend toward one of these patterns more than the others. At the same time, depending on what's going on in life, the size of your energy field and its position can change. While other variations are possible, the artistic representations below display four more common aura patterns... Large AuraA large aura might demonstrate an intent to control or dominate others. Aura Shapes...How Are You Responding to Life?

How you respond to life's experiences affects the shape of your aura.

Aura Shapes...How Are You Responding to Life?

Aura shapes include the fuzzy aura, the aura wall, the spiky aura, and the neutral aura. A person will generally tend toward one of these shapes in particular. At the same time, depending on what's happening in life, your aura stance can change. For example, someone who normally has a fuzzy aura could change to a spiky aura stance if they were feeling threatened. While other aura stances are possible, the artistic representations below display the four more common ones... The Fuzzy Aura Lack of clear personal boundaries.

The Aura Wall A defensive attempt to define personal boundaries. Aura Colors Meaning. Aura colors meaning will vary significantly as auras contain many different colors, change colors constantly, and each shade reveals a different meaning.

Aura Colors Meaning

Your mood, what you’re doing and what you’re experiencing in life all determine the colors of your aura at any given time. In New Age pop culture, there is a common misconception that aura colors meaning is straightforward. Examples are: red=passion, yellow=optimism and purple=spirituality. Make no mistake, colors do contain meaning. But attempts to create ‘cut and dried’ color codes greatly over-simplify the matter. Within each color, there are many different shades and tones.

Another example...imagine you are going through color swatches to pick the right tone of paint for a room. The colors of your aura are also affected by the energies of other people. Your aura can contain any one of the million color variations in the universe. Auras...Aura Colors, Shapes and Sizes. This site offers a wealth of information on auras, chakras and healing your spiritual energy system.

Auras...Aura Colors, Shapes and Sizes

You will find unique insights on everything from colors and cleansing, to hidden emotions and psychic reading, to chakra healing and kundalini energy. Color Meanings There is a common misunderstanding that your energy field is only one particular color. But the many parts of your energy system can change colors often. Find out about the different aura colors meaning. Different Shapes How you respond to life's experiences affects the shape of your energy system. Human Auras...Aura Cleansing, Healing & Clairvoyant Reading. As we accumulate unwanted energies in daily life, regular aura cleansing supports health and well-being.

Human Auras...Aura Cleansing, Healing & Clairvoyant Reading

Like psychic dust bunnies, we go around collecting debris on our aura, until we finally do something to cleanse it... It is the same with personal hygiene. If you do not bathe, your body will become dirtier and dirtier. Gradually the smell becomes unbearable. Eventually, your body even becomes a breeding ground for disease and bacteria. In modern culture, we expect people to take care of their personal hygiene by bathing regularly, if not daily.