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Bulls Eyes/Carmel Creams. Bull's Eyes/Carmel Creams A reader sent me an almost breathless e-mail yesterday: "Elizabeth, You have to check this out!

Bulls Eyes/Carmel Creams

Someone created homemade, gluten-free bull's eye candies. They are the caramel candy with the cream center. Sesame Candy Recipe. Homemade sesame candy, sticky, sweet, delicious Hands-on time: 45 minutes Time-to-table: 90 minutes Enough for an 11x15 tray, about 80 pieces 2 cups sesame seeds2 tablespoons black sesame seeds, optional1/2 cup honey1/2 cup brown sugar1/2 teaspoon ground ginger1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/2 teaspoon table salt Butter a baking sheet and a sheet of parchment or a silicone mat.

Sesame Candy Recipe

In a large skillet or Dutch oven, toast the sesame seeds on medium heat until golden and aromatic. Homemade Caramel, My Failproof Recipe. Christmas Nougat Candy. Carbón Dulce (Sweet Coal) Mounds Candy Bars Recipe. These healthier mounds bars are a quick and easy homemade chocolate and coconut candy.

Mounds Candy Bars Recipe

Homemade Bounty - Coconut candy. Bounty bar with Coconut is my sister favorite candyEach time she is coming to visit us here in the USA, she is buying a box full with this bars and taking with her home.I was so happy to find this recipe especially for her.Now she can make all the time, and as much as she would like.

Homemade Bounty - Coconut candy

Coconut Candy1 cup sugar1/3 cup water1/3 Tsp vanilla extract1/2 Tsp salt1 can coconut milk1 cup shredded coconut In a pot over medium heat put sugar water and salt and allow it to boil, until soft-ball stage.reduce the heat and continue to cook another 3 min.Add the coconut milk and the vanilla and cook, stirring.Add the shredded coconut and string well for 10 min. over low heat.pour into a 9×13-inch glass pan.Let cool over night outside the refrigerator; before the chocolate coating put in the freeze for 2 hours. Chocolate Ganache1 cup heavy cream300 gram semi sweet chocolate1 tsp. ground coffee In a medium sized saucepan heat cream over medium heat. bring to boil and add the coffee and the chocolate.

Go Max, Go! Coming to the end of yet another grocery shopping mission, having avoided temptation for the most part, the final destination is still fraught with danger.

Go Max, Go!

It’s those darned impulse buys so cleverly lined up by the check-out line, inviting you to add just one tiny sweet something to the tally. Yes, I’m definitely an impulse buyer when the mood strikes, so those offerings in and of themselves wouldn’t be so frustrating, if it weren’t for the content. Often lacking in proper labels, or full of unsavory ingredients, these temptations are merely eye-candy at best. Buffalo Sponge Candy. Sometimes, being a chemist comes in very handy in the kitchen.

Buffalo Sponge Candy

In my previous candy experiments you might have noticed the massive amount of molten sugar I’ve been working with. From the marshmallows to the taffy and the butterfinger bars, I’ve been going through pounds and pounds of sugar and my kitchen is getting pretty sticky. (I found some rogue purple sugar this morning while toasting a bagel!) This danger of the sugar is not what makes my PhD an asset, it is my familiarity with failure. Peppermint Crisps = Confidence Boost « The Culinary Chronicles. Pumpkin Candy Cups. Pumpkin Candy Cups It’s time for day two of pumpkin week!

Pumpkin Candy Cups

These are fun little treats to make for Thanksgiving (or really for any reason). They’re shaped like peanut butter cups but with a fun new flavor twist. The combination of rich white chocolate surrounding a smooth and creamy pumpkin pie spiced filling is absolutely delicious. Pumpkin Pie Pecan Candy. I guess it’s inevitable that pumpkin season and fall foods eventually appear even though I’m not ready to give up summer foods yet.

Pumpkin Pie Pecan Candy

Don’t get me wrong, I love the fall! It’s my favorite time of year. I just feel like I was gypped of a summer this year because it felt so short! One of my favorite fall foods is pumpkin. I’ve only really made pumpkin pie, but my mom makes this awesome pumpkin dish that is made with black bean garlic sauce and cane sugar. Gingerbread Truffle Recipe - How to Make Gingerbread Truffles - Christmas Candy Recipes. This recipe for Gingerbread Truffles produces soft, aromatic truffle balls that taste like gingerbread cookie dough!

Gingerbread Truffle Recipe - How to Make Gingerbread Truffles - Christmas Candy Recipes

These Christmas candies feature gingersnaps, spices, toasted nuts, and white chocolate. To crush the gingersnaps, you can either use a blender or food processor, or place them in a large Ziploc bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Be sure that the cookies are in small crumbs, not large chunks. Don't miss the video showing how to make gingerbread truffles! Prep Time: 20 minutes Total Time: 20 minutes Yield: 30 truffles Ingredients:

Gingerbread caramels. My friend Ana Elisa’s adventure in making torrone reminded me of how much work these caramels were: it took forever for the mixture to achieve the desired temperature, and I was melting in my kitchen while stirring it; after that, another century went by before I finished cutting them, oiled knife and all.

Gingerbread caramels

Not to mention they were super soft and hard to wrap, too. Chocolate Orange Truffles. Grand Marnier Truffles, Orangettes. Today, truffles. This wasn’t the plan. The plan was to take a drive, to visit my grandmother’s grave. Hot for Chocolate? El Diablo Chocolate Truffles. Viva condensed milk! - Honey Pistachio and white chocolate - The Cookie Shop. Outro dia peguei um debate bem interessante no Twitter – parece que um chef pâtissier francês (ele trabalha e mora aqui no Brasil) andou dando uma entrevista polêmica, dizendo que não existe confeitaria brasileira.

Não sei dos detalhes, mas o caso gerou pano pra manga. Não foi a primeira vez que ouvi isso, gente falando mal de doce brasileiro, dizendo que só tem leite condensado e excesso de açúcar, que o brasileiro não tem paladar, etc etc e tal. Oreo Truffles. 1. Crush the Oreos (pretty much the whole package, minus a handful, will do) until finely ground. Best Candy Ever. Cooking Lessons: Chocolate whiskey truffles: a Christmas memory. Cranberry Pistachio Dark Chocolate Bark. Super Crunchy Chocolate-Peppermint Bark. 1. Krissy's Creations: Homemade Butterscotch Candy. Sea Glass Candy. On nice days--nice being a relative term in Seattle--the little Humble and I make the short trip down to the beach. It is one of her favorite activities outside of the house. Toffee. These nutty, crunchy, buttery toffee bars come courtesy of my friend in cooking club, who adapted the recipe from Martha Stewart.