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10 Strategies for Non-Profits on Pinterest. Non-profits are utilizing Pinterest as an extension of their organizations, using photography, infographics and other visuals to show supporters more about their missions. Pinterest's goal is to connect "people all over the world based on shared tastes and interests. " Non-profits, then, can use the social site to connect people based on their social passions, and since non-profits work with and for the community, Pinterest can certainly come in handy. Last week, we covered 10 non-profits that are particularly awesome at leveraging Pinterest for social good, but how did they get there? What are their strategies? SEE ALSO: 8 Strategies for Launching a Brand Presence on Pinterest Here are 10 tips from non-profits that are currently using Pinterest. 1.

It's important to understand who is using Pinterest before you start branding through the network. Daljit Singh, office manager intern at Jolkona and curator of the organization's Pinterest, says that a fun project helped. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Tested Tips for Creating Better Facebook Content. As Constant Contact’s social media community manager, I do a lot of posting on Facebook (1,458 posts in 2012 to be exact.) Along the way, I’ve discovered a few simple tips and tricks through analytics, testing, and reading a lot of social media marketing content that will make your Facebook marketing less overwhelming and intimidating. Here are 4 tips for creating better Facebook content. Tip 1: The length of your Facebook post matters According to Facebook, posts between 100 and 250 characters receive 60 percent more likes, comments, and shares. Last month on the Constant Contact Facebook page, posts with less than 140 characters received an average of 215 percent more engagement than longer posts (192 percent for the last 8 months.)

I aim to keep our posts between 60-100 characters when I can, and last month, we averaged 101 characters. Tip 2: The type of post you publish matters too 403 x 403 image example: Bonus Photo Tip: What size should other images on Facebook be? Want to learn more? 2 - Types of Floods and Floodplains.pdf. Stormwater Messaging Tutorial: Messages for Change. 21 Creative Ways To Increase Your Facebook Fanbase. If you build a Facebook Page, will fans come? This is the great hope for many businesses. However, fans do not magically appear from the Facebook mist. People must be lured to your fan page. And there are some good and bad ways to go about doing this.

The Big Myth There’s a great myth that once you create a Facebook fan page for your business, the first thing you should do to get fans is invite ALL your friends from your personal profile using the “Suggest to Friends” feature. Unfortunately, this strategy may not be that effective and can, in fact, often backfire. There are several reasons not to use the Suggest to Friends feature: Facebook users can only like up to 500 pages and may wish to be selective. So, the good news is there are many ways to promote your fan page and proactively increase your fan base without bugging all your current Facebook friends, and also by thinking wider than just Facebook.

Here are 21 ways to get more fans for your Facebook fan page: #5: Use Facebook Apps #15. 11 Free Services for Scheduling Social Media Updates. Maintaining a constant social media presence can be difficult, especially for busy entrepreneurs looking to stay in touch with their communi July 22, 2010 Maintaining a constant social media presence can be difficult, especially for busy entrepreneurs looking to stay in touch with their communities.

Luckily, there are plenty of tools out there to help ease the burden. One of the most useful functionalities for a social management tool is the ability to schedule updates. Here is a list of 11 free services for scheduling social media updates, either across multiple social platforms or just for Twitter. At the end of the list, you'll also find a quick note on 11 paid services that you may be interested in investigating as well. If your service of choice—free or paid—isn't in this post, let us know in the comments. Free Multi-Platform Services 1. 2. On the sign-in screen, you can log in using either your Twitter or Facebook information. Social Platforms: Twitter and Facebook. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.