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Crocodile Stitch. I came across a lovely pattern on that included using, what they called, the Crocodile Stitch.

Crocodile Stitch

Firstly, I have no problem paying for a pattern that someone has created and posted on the internet. I have no problem paying for an item that I don't want to make myself, from the internet. BUT, I don't think there is any reason to have to pay to learn a stitch. ONE STINKING STITCH! So I really loved this "Crocodile Stitch", but couldn't find it anywhere in an This video, however, only shows how to create the first row, and not the second row and so forth.

So to be a good citizen, I will share my method with you, so that you can have a lovely scarf for yourself and your loved ones. Crocodile Stitch Scarf Medium: Crochet Tools: You can use whatever yarn/hook combination you want. L Hobby Lobby. Gauge: Whatever you want! Abbreviations: ch - chain, DC - double crochet Create slip knot. . * For the scarf I made above, I chained 18. DC in 3rd chain from hook. Ch 1.

Flammenkueche, la bourse ou la vie? - La Malédiction du Chat en Carton - bijoux et autres tribulations. Mercredi 16 décembre 2009 3 16 /12 /Déc /2009 09:54 Je commence à rattraper le retard dans mes commandes.

Flammenkueche, la bourse ou la vie? - La Malédiction du Chat en Carton - bijoux et autres tribulations

C'est pas trop tôt diront mes clientes ... croyez moi, je me flagèle tous les soirs en pensant à la honte que je m'inflige. Manque plus que les stigmates à Pâques! Voici le dernier né conçu pour Sandrine, alias meilleure amie de Môman, dont OUI j'ai noté le patron afin de le refaire (une fois n'est pas coutume). Mais c'est ça avec le génie créatif, une fois lançé dans un amigurumi, on en oublie les bases. Et pour le fan club de Maléchatte, la neige tombe sur mon blanc pays, bientôt en salle: Malé et les flocons de neige. Partager l'article ! InShare. Crochet Beaded Bracelets. Crochet Flower Hot Pad. Materials1/2 skein yarn (1st color)1/2 skein yarn (2nd color)size "G" crochet hook Instructions (for yellow and white hot pad) Starting with yellow yarn, chain 4.

Crochet Flower Hot Pad

Slip stitch to form a ring. Chain 3 (counts as 1st dc), 13 dc in ring. Slip stitch in top of chain 3. Chain 23. Row 1 - 1 sc in each of first 11 chains of 1st petal. 3 sc in next chain (top of 1st petal). 1 sc in each of last 11 chains in 1st petal. (25 sc) Repeat for each of the remaining petals all the way around. Row 2 - Change to white yarn. 1 sc in each of the first 12 sc of 1st petal, 3 sc in next sc (top of petal), 1 sc in each of the remaining 12 sc in the 1st petal. (27 sc) Repeat for each of the remaining petals all the way around. Row 3 - Change to yellow yarn. 1 sc in each of the first 13 sc of 1st petal, 3 sc in in next sc (top of petal), 1 sc in each of the remaining 13 sc in the 1st petal. (29 sc) Repeat for each of the remaining petals all the way around. Finishing. Despicable Minion. Minion army anyone?

Despicable Minion

I just had to. I've not seen the movie yet, but the little guys are just so charming. This is only one of them of course, but at the end of the pattern, are some suggestions for making all different personalities of minions to create your very own Minion Army. LOL As always, if you have any questions or find a problem with the pattern, just post here or email me, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Minion Materials: WW yarn in yellow, blue and small amounts of black, white and gray G Hook Fiberfill Small amounts of felt in black and medium/light blue Yarn Needle Sewing needle and matching sewing threads Gauge isn't terribly important to this project as long as your hook, yarn and individual tension result in a stitch that's tight enough that the stuffing won't come through.