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El control caótico y los cerebros minimales de los insectos. Amazon Mechanical Turk - All HITs. Fascìculo nº 10, La Tierra invadida, pag 145 a 160. ENVISION - Step into the sensory box. Stop-Motion Music Video Animation Using Dice As Pixels • Descriptive Camera. The Descriptive Camera works a lot like a regular camera—point it at subject and press the shutter button to capture the scene. However, instead of producing an image, this prototype uses crowd sourcing to output a text description of the scene.

Modern digital cameras capture gobs of "parsable" metadata about photos such as the camera's settings, the location of the photo, the date, and time, but they don't output any information about the content of the photo. The Descriptive Camera only outputs the metadata about the content. As we amass an incredible amount of photos, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage our collections. Imagine if descriptive metadata about each photo could be appended to the image on the fly—information about who is in each photo, what they're doing, and their environment could become incredibly useful in being able to search, filter, and cross-reference our photo collections. Technology Presentation Video Results Acknowledgements.