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Tensegrity: The New Biomechanics. This is a rather long article that is a book chapter.

Tensegrity: The New Biomechanics

It is fairly inclusive and brings a lot of the concepts expressed elsewhere into one article. It tried putting in as many links as possible to clarify particular points. If you read all the links, it becomes a book, not just a chapter. Good luck getting all the way through it. Published In Hutson, M & Ellis, R (Eds.), Textbook of Musculoskeletal Medicine. The 'design' of plants and animals and of traditional artifacts did not just happen. The anomalies If we accept the precepts of most present day biomechanical engineers a 100 kg weight lifted by your average competitive weight lifter will tear his erector spinae muscle, rupture his discs, crush his vertebra and burst his blood vessels (Gracovetsky, 1988).

Fig. 1. There is more to ponder. Not only mechanical but also physiologic processes would be inconsistent with linear physics. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. The Evolution of Structure Certainly, no natural laws are broken. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Complex Living Tensegrities. Chris Lucas "The Greek geometers could not therefore define the planar extensibility that lay outside and beyond the line of known content.

Complex Living Tensegrities

Since the surface outside of the line went to infinity, you could not include it in your computation. The Greeks' concept of the geometrical, bound-area of their triangle - or their circle - lay demonstrably on only one bound-area side of the line. As a consequence of such fundamental schooling, world society became historically biased about everything. Continually facing survival strategy choices, society assumed that it must always choose between two or more political or religious 'sides'. Introduction - getting our biases sorted Two plus two equals four is true in the world of the kindergarten, as well as in common sense and in wide tracts of science and mathematics. Tensegrity - just another word for attractor balance Tensegrity, short for 'tension integrity', relates to how structures behave, whether these are man-made, natural or social. Rapid Prototyping Models. Background Rapid Prototyping or Solid Freeform Fabrication refers to a range of new technologies which construct physical three-dimensional objects by assembling thin layers of material under computer control.

Rapid Prototyping Models

Objects can be made which are extremely accurate, complex, and beautiful, and which no other technology can produce. For basic information on this rapidly evolving technology, I recommend this site or this site or search Google for new developments. Presently this is a somewhat expensive technology used mainly in high-end product design, and in research universities. But in the future, the cost will certainly come down and everyone will be able to create amazing physical objects with these machines. Mathematics.ón_Flotante_by_GOMEZ-JAUREGUI.pdf. Experiments In Motion. Facebook.


Eco. Terapiasmanuales: Casas fabricadas a base de sacos de arena y alambre de espino, a prueba de seísmos. Nader Khalili, iraní de nacimiento, californiano de adopción, no es un arquitecto del montón.

Terapiasmanuales: Casas fabricadas a base de sacos de arena y alambre de espino, a prueba de seísmos

A finales de los setenta, en Cal-Earth, la organización en la que trabaja, desarrolló el superadobe ('superblock', en inglés), una técnica de construcción a base de sacos de arena y alambre de espino, a prueba de seísmos y testado por las exigentes autoridades de California. [Fotos: Cal-Earth y AFP] En pleno desierto de Mohave, en Hesperia (a 70 km al Este de Los Ángeles), se encuentra la máxima expresión de su obra, una ciudad de arena donde muestra su técnica constructiva. Casas redondeadas, acabadas en cúpulas, amplias, de diferentes tamaños y formas. Una técnica que también ha aplicado en la construcción de un poblado en el corazón de Asia Central y en las zonas afectadas por el tsunami de Indonesia.

En 1984, Khalili presentó su proyecto ante los técnicos de la NASA bajo el título 'Bases lunares y actividades espaciales en el siglo XXI', viable en una hipotética colonización extraterrestre. » Archivos.